As topic says. US only.
1 2015-01-23 23:03:17
Topic: H: NM Eng Karakas W: Revised Bayou (0 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
2 2014-03-03 04:46:30
Topic: Sale Goyf, Port, Karakas, Savannah, Hierarch (0 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
4 goyf original (nm/nm-)
4 port (nice condition)
2 Karakas (English legends, Nice also)
1 savannah (revised played)
4 Hierarch original (nm/nm-)
I accept paypal. Make offers in pm please. Scans available and condition confirmation prior to finalizing.
Ps- other cards on my tradelist also available for preferably cash.
3 2014-02-26 21:00:45
Re: W: Modern, SDT, Delta H: Marsh Flats, Jitte, Foil Entreat, Windswept (1 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
Ensnaring bridge
Helm of obedience
Maze of ith
Let me know.
4 2014-02-18 14:31:50
Re: H: Legacy W: Vintage...sell/trade (4 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
More interested in lotus, 5 moxen, and recall than any other pieces.
5 2014-02-04 19:23:01
Topic: H: Legacy W: Vintage...sell/trade (4 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
Hello all,
I have marked my whole inventory for trade. It is not all for trade, but I don't have time to sort.
If a card is played in a vintage blue combo-control deck or workshop deck, it isnt for trade. Never hurts to ask, I will respond to offers.
My want list is all high-dollar vintage only cards. Cash offer entertained so I can save for power.
Have list highlights include:
English tabernacle
OG goyfs
Rishadan ports
English Karakas
6 2013-09-26 23:47:13
Re: Leyline of Sanctity (2 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
Nobody has a set of leylines?
7 2013-09-25 19:51:27
Topic: Leyline of Sanctity (2 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
I am looking for a playset of leyline of sanctity. I am willing to trade from inventory if necessary. However, I am not interested in trading down legacy staples.
Drop me a line, the worst I can say is no. If I veto the trade, please try again with a different configuration.
Thanks, guys,
8 2013-08-15 19:47:33
Re: W: Noble Hierach x4 H: Show & Tell + List (1 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
Just to be clear, I am cool with piecing together a playset...
9 2013-08-15 18:22:37
Topic: W: Noble Hierach x4 H: Show & Tell + List (1 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
Lets make a deal.
10 2013-08-10 22:07:19
Re: Last Call for trades with me (4 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
I also have started a trade on your page.
11 2013-06-06 20:40:13
Re: H: Goyf, Show W: Port, Mutavault (2 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
Got some views, no replies...
Just a clarification: I am not requiring trades to include 4 of each. I can piece together a playset.
12 2013-06-04 21:25:27
Topic: H: Goyf, Show W: Port, Mutavault (2 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
Topic says it all. Please check out my tradelist. I am looking for:
4x Rishadan Port
4x Mutavault
I am willing to look at cash offers on the Goyfs and Shows as well.
13 2013-03-27 14:04:41
Re: Trade Filtering (9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I didn't read anything negative into your previous comments.
Thanks again,
I have been playing for 13 years now and can easily say that this site is the best thing to ever happen to Magic for inventory management and trading...
14 2013-03-27 01:55:01
Re: Trade Filtering (9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I apolgize. I edited my original post and removed #2. I am confident that the staff here will work on that issue as they are able.
Thanks for a quick reply.
15 2013-03-27 01:41:51
Topic: Trade Filtering (9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I think the greatest improvement Deckbox staff can implement is this:
Allow me to sort users who have cards on my Wishlist by traits other than proximity. For instance, I would like to be able to filter out users who have not logged in in the last (insert time period), users with less than (insert number of refs here), users outside of the area in which I am willing to trade (i.e. countries). Also, if a user marks themselves as only trading with "local" they should be removable from the list. Finally, I would like to filter down to users who need items from my Tradelist.
For instance, less than 1 minute after typing this original post, I went looking for users with a card on my Wishlist. On the first page of candidates, I clicked on two users. Both have not logged in in the last 6 months. Clearly they do not represent a top 10 trading opportunities. The next 3 people I selected are not looking for cards on my Tradelist. Note: This post is not a gripe about not owning the cards users are looking for, just an observation on applying filters to the query.
Thanks for reading. I love the website. This site is a giant leap forward in magic trading technology and inventory management.
16 2012-03-27 20:04:15
Re: Vintage help - Various decks (17 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Making turn 2 wurmcoils and turn 1 lodestones are much more interactive(overused magic term) than a turn 1 spheres and turn 2 crucible/strip or smoke...but neither scenario is altogether unfair-the following are normally why-
Hurkyl's recall
Trygon predator
Ancient grudge
Ingot chewer
Force of will
Nature's claim
Swords to plowshares
Those are pretty much in order of goodness, although I think ingot might be above grudge. It is so good to see interest in this deck.
@ Tawnos- do you I've to mulligan alot with the 16 land 6 moxen manabase above? I cant get past it after having played with the bases I suggested above for so many years. It looks very explosive, but the variance looks high. Also, I have a fundamental problem with metalworker- legacy may be slow enough to drop that guy and not do anything else for a turn...but I think stax fundamentals dictate that everything you cast disrupt the opponent nearly immediately. Worker soaks up a turn, then drops locks/creatures that often require an additional turn to do anything...same with forgemaster. Plus both are susceptible to removal. I would rather drop a crucible and waste them, or drop smoke and nuke a permanent nearly always than give opponents an uninterrupted turn. Most opponents will do more with their free turn than you will with yours IMHO.
17 2012-03-27 13:45:00
Re: Vintage help - Various decks (17 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Try 5 color. You don't need to have all the perfect mana sources to play casually- it let's you run-
4 ancient tomb
2 city of traitors
4 city of brass
4 gemstone mine
4 wasteland
1 strip mine
1 tolarian academy
1 barbarian ring
1 lotus petal
1 sol ring
1 mana vault
3 more mana artifacts- could be as bad as coalition relic(actually decent here) or thran dynamo.
This manabase works for casual, and is about $5000 cheaper than the real vintage one. In budget builds of stax, colors are better because they cover up a lot of sins in your manabase. The colored spells you run are only the most efficient spells (by mana usage) ever made-
Crop rotation(academy, strip mine)
Demonic tutor
Vampiric tutor
4 goblin welder
I have even run demonic consultation is the nutz
36 cards so far...
1 3sphere
4 2sphere
4 smoke
4 wire
3 crucible
These bring us to 52!
The remaining slots are normally composed of two categories-cards that kill moxen(which you likely don't have to deal with) and fat artifact creatures with cool get to be really cool and run more beef in those slots-
1 sundering Titan(to help make friends with people who own dual land)
1 duplicant(to not lose to random fat)
1 karn
1 trike
1 steel hellkite
1 wurmcoil engine
1 city of traitors(you will need better mana to hit 6 consistently, or you can run discar outlets and get a welder active...bazaar is more expensive than mana...)
1 utility spell- try jester's cap, seal of cleansing, ancient grudge, choke, swords to plowshares, sylvan replica, ratchet bomb, power keg, null rod, ensnaring bridge, perish, virtue's ruin, firespout, in the eye of chaos, whatever you want it to be. Trike could be cut for similar fun.
This is the beauty of 5 color- it is the most adaptive deck possible- runs the best manabase ever created, as many tutors as possible, and can run every hate card ever printed.
If you don't want to lock them down(understandable in casual), try meandeck mud...just drops fat wurmcoils and beats face every game(with welder shennanigans for backup)
18 2012-03-27 03:21:54
Re: Vintage help - Various decks (17 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
I have been playing mainly vintage workshops for nearly a decade now and will throw in my 2 cents-
Vintage most played workshop cards-
1 trinisphere
4 sphere of resistance
2 thorn of amethyst
4 chalice of the void
4 tangle wire
4 lodestone golem
3 phyrexian metamorph
4 mishra's workshop
4 ancient tomb
4 wasteland
1 strip mine
1 tolarian academy
5 moxen
1 lotus
1 sol ring
1 mana crypt
(most are omitting vault because of mental misstep)
Past that, it varies. Vintage has a lot of gush, snapcaster, dark confidant...and surprisingly tarmogoyf right now...stax decks are topping tournaments with smokestack again after being more or less aggro since worldwake and 5 color(circa 2005) prior to that. Long story short- playing mud is where the winning is. Metalworker sees infrequent play in the US right now..welder comes and goes. To play metalworkers...try-
+4 metalworker
+4 kuldotha forgemaster
+ juicy targets- myr battlesphere, steel hellkite, sundering Titan, duplicant.
To play to beat blue(with mud that isn't prison)
+4 slash panther(although I still think it is gimmicky)
+2 null rod
+x phyrexian revoker(time vault)
To play prison(what I nearly always suggest)-
+4 smokestack
+3 crucible of worlds
+3 Karn, silver golem
+1 metamorph
No matter what, shoot for 25-27 mana sources(18 are land in vintage)...
Legacy- I also play nothing but stax in legacy! And it is just as fun here.
The mana base is the most integral part. It is-
4 ancient tomb
4 city of traitors
4 wasteland
10 other land, normally up to 4 are utility
4 mox diamond
Meandeck mud ran a completely different manabase than this one...just to be fair, it was-
4 tomb
4 city
4 wasteland
4 great furnace
3 mox diamond
3 mox opal
4 grim monolith
4 voltaic key
4 metalworker
This is a different type of deck than past stax decks...which seek to lock out the basically seeks to use metalworker/monolith/forgemaster to power down a bad beastie to wreck other player. The deck made 2nd at a grand prix...but I really like the previous prison builds better personally.
The locks(should you choose to play prison)-
3-4 trinisphere
4 chalice of the void
4 crucible of worlds(must play...fixes mana base)
4 smokestack
4 ensnaring bridge/propaganda/ghostly prison(most legacy builds are still colored)
4 Armageddon/other land destroy effect
7 magus of the tabernacle/other creature destroy effects(oblivion ring/firespout/pendrell mists...)
3 creature to win/block with
All prison legacy builds are VERY similar to this.
For fun- my favorite of all the types and builds of stax is vintage 5 color. Here is a basic list(based on the most recent, though dated, winning lists produced in new York) with a few minor changes-
4 workshop
4 wasteland
1 strip mine
1 tolarian academy
4 city of brass
3 gemstone mine
1 barbarian ring
1 bazaar of Baghdad
8 mana artifacts(5 mox, 1 lotus, 1 sol ring, 1 mana crypt)
1 trinisphere
4 sphere of resistance
4 tangle wire
4 smokestack
3 crucible of worlds
4 destroy moxen effect(2 gorilla shaman, 2 ratchet bomb...etc)
1 karn
1 duplicant
1 sundering Titan
1 triskelion
1 tinker
1 demonic tutor
1 Vampiric tutor
1 ancestral recall
1 balance
4 goblin welder
If you are just playing with friends...I suggest something more power-down-a-dude(forgemaster/worker)...but I just really enjoy the explosiveness of 5 color prison. I play it every year on my birthday!
Ps- I have a stack of old stax tournament reports by the greats - Robert vroman, Roland Chang, and kevin well as articles, historical articles, and then recent stax innovations by the NYSE crowd as well if anyone wants them. They are all on my favorites bar...but I will dig them out on request.
And remember- you control upkeep triggers created by your permanents- so punish opponents, but on your turn "fade, tap, sac, soot.". You beat matchups are anything blue that doesn't play permanent cards and runs less than 17 land(old school Gush...1 basic Choke them out!
I have had the immense joy of winning more games by opponent scoop than life totals being reduced to zero because of these decks. May trinisphere be forever unrestricted and trygon predator be banned.