(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Is there a typical time-frame for new sets getting posted to DeckBox? I'd love to know if there's a general schedule to that that I can semi-plan around, or if it's just "whenever it gets done."


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I see now how modifying lists works from the individual card view, so no qualms there, but my feedback about the layout of needs and haves on user pages still stands. Specifically, I would prefer something more like the layout for actual trade proposals. That layout is marvelous.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you ic0trix for summing up my thoughts quite succinctly.

I came here today to add an entire decklist to my wishlist by searching for each card and updating the quantities in the convenient collection/tradestock/wishlist table, only to find it oddly absent in Safari.

I also viewed a previous trader's user page and noted that the layout for cards they want and cards I want has been flipped to top and bottom instead of left and right, which both reads more awkwardly and makes it harder to compare quantities and values side by side. Basically, it doesn't read quite as well.

I like a lot of the look and feel to the new UI components, but you guys had a pretty stellar *layout* before. I wouldn't make big changes to the layout, so much as little tweaks to the visuals and things like roseblood71 mentioned.

Overall though; great site, I love it. Just don't make it harder for the current users to do what they're already  accustomed to doing while you grow.

sebi wrote:

Sorry for the issue guys, now it should be fixed. (And the default should be +1 instead of 0 too)

Awesome, thank you. Are you able to address Zenthelm and my issue specificly? (I have a -1 from this issue that should be a +1 according to Zenthelm and he can't fix it)

HikingStick wrote:

I've noticed this recently, too.  When the feedback drop-down first appears, you can try to select +1, but it stays as Neutral when you move off the field.  The workaround I've found is to first  select Neutral from the drop-down menu, then click the drop-down arrow again and select +1.  Making +1 your second selection makes it stick, and then you can apply your feedback.

You bring up a good point, listing work-arounds for others experiencing this in the interim would be a good idea.

My work around was to select anything, then while the drop-down was still in focus, I used the arrows keys to adjust to the correct option.

related bug report:

...apparently the poll option for yes got removed when I submitted this topic and I can no longer access the poll to correct that, delete the poll or delete and report this topic.

Bug observed: Drop-down menu registered wrong feedback.

Users involved: CloudAran (me) and Zenthelm

Browsers: I've been using Chrome mostly, but I believe I experienced the issue in Safari. I have not asked Zenthelm what browser he was using.

Affected Trade: http://deckbox.org/trades/21360?s=19017


While trading with Zenthelm, I experienced some trouble with the drop-down box for trade feedback not properly displaying the selection I had clicked in the menu. I finagled this a bit until I got the +1 I was trying to select, but it seems Zenthelm had a similar issue and did not catch it before submission (confirmed with him via messages). We've also looked for a way to correct this mistake, but it doesn't appear that you can edit feedback after it is initially submitted. That additionally seems like it could use a built in method for correction (IE if a claim was disputed or later resolved and both parties agreed to change either or both feedbacks).