My experience is that international tracking is expensive. A shipping label to trade w/ Canada is like $12

Hey Gang,

my LGS gives away packs as prizes and I have 13 Innistrad Midnight Hunt packs and 2 crimson vow packs. I was planning to draft them with coworkers, but then a few of the players left the company and now there aren't enough people to have a draft mad. Deckbox doesn't have a way to add sealed product so I want to post here to gauge interest


Twice now I've gotten redirects from Deckbox for a "safewinodws" which is disguised as McAffee total security. It doesn't happen on an other website. It's a redirect, so it brings up a new page. This only happens on Deckbox, and (I think) whenever I click on something. I'm not sure if there's some advertiser who is serving up malicious ads which secretly take up the whole screen, but I think it's something that might need to be looked at.


I was trading with a person who lives nearby and I initially proposed a local trade, but we later decided to just trade via mail.

I accidentally clicked 'Accept Trade' though which moved the local trade into a completed state and there is no way to undo that. Also there's a little warning next to the trade saying that I need to apply the changes.

It would be nifty if there was a `cancel` button which would revert the transaction and put it in the same state as the rest of the canceled trades.

Thanks! : )


Is there any search functionality for communities?

I think it's a cool feature of the site, but it's hard to find them since you have to pass through pages one-by-one


In my experience trading here my biggest pain point has been where I've been "left on read" (eg : I proposed a trade, the other person saw my message, and hasn't replied). That makes it hard to figure out if I should cancel the trade for them, or wait to see if they reply. I don't like to have cards in many proposals, and I don't like having a bunch of concurrent trades.

Gmail has an "auto reply" feature :

and I was thinking it would be cool if there were some canned replies for some trades, like

> "Thank you for sending a trade, but I'll pass on this one"

> "How about this instead"

> "This looks good to me!"

to help facilitate dialogue.

What do you think of this idea?

Hey all,

I want to branch back into Modern, and I want to grab some staples (fetches, shocks, good walkers, etc). I have a Judge strand, which would be sweet in an EDH deck or a cube, but as a singleton is kinda loose.

Anyone want to trade for it?

Hey guys, I've got a foil MMA1 goyf and want something I can use to help me get a legacy deck together, rather than a one-of in my binder.


(1 replies, posted in Foil Traders)

Hey everyone,

I've got a foil iona in my trade binder, and would like some other foil for Jund, or something else I can actually play with.

Let me know!

It's pack fresh.

Hey guys, I have a sealed box of Russian Khans and I want to either sell it (Or trade it for something really really sweet) Ebay value is about $200 so Id like to value it close it that.

Feel free to start a trade on my profile.


(0 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I got this foil 7th Inferno, but I have no idea who signed it,Vuym0XE#0


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


I have 3 total for trade


(0 replies, posted in Foil Traders)

I have 2 foil ones for grabs

I need 5-6 on any combination on TS and IoK (3 Iok and 2 TS) or something



(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I only need 1, I sort of doubt he will break a playset


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Will pay ~42


(0 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)

Title says it all. Message me


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Yep, I want 'em


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have an Italian One.
I messaged you




