Topic: [Feature Idea] Pre-selected responses


In my experience trading here my biggest pain point has been where I've been "left on read" (eg : I proposed a trade, the other person saw my message, and hasn't replied). That makes it hard to figure out if I should cancel the trade for them, or wait to see if they reply. I don't like to have cards in many proposals, and I don't like having a bunch of concurrent trades.

Gmail has an "auto reply" feature :

and I was thinking it would be cool if there were some canned replies for some trades, like

> "Thank you for sending a trade, but I'll pass on this one"

> "How about this instead"

> "This looks good to me!"

to help facilitate dialogue.

What do you think of this idea?

Last edited by TheTorq (2020-09-06 18:49:25)

Re: [Feature Idea] Pre-selected responses

How are you seeing if they saw your reply? As far as I know there the only way you could guess this is by looking at their last login and even then there is a chance they didn't check their trades. Is this a paid feature I don't know about?

I mean for instance I have a trade and message up right now that I have not looked at yet (mostly because the guy just canceled another trade less than 24 hours ago and I hadn't had real time to take a look at what he had and figure he will probably just cancel it anyway). I just popped on in between doing things for work to confirm receipt of another trade and am leaving for the weekend soon so I have no don't have time to really look. So I haven't. I just popped over the chat not seeing this and taking more time to respond to this than looking at the trade which is a little ironic i know.

Just this past month I had 2 trades up where the person has not gotten back to me about things. Multiple messages, changes to the trades, nada. And these examples are a bit frustrating since they were good trades. One I even went over the top in value to try and get they guys attention and instead is didn't log in for three weeks and when he did he went into vacation mode. I'm hoping when he comes back he will see and we can make the trade, but as I see it now it is a dead trade and can probably just cancel it.

While having some canned responses might be nice, I don't think it will accomplish want you are intending them to do. If someone has not responded to a trade as it is today they are not going to respond with a canned response any more often. What I think would be better honestly would have some kinda of read notification on the message chat. They system is already aware if something isn't read since it tells us when we have something new so I can't see it being that more difficult to let us know when out messages have not been seen. But even then when irl stuff comes up sometimes all you have to to do is glance at something before moving onto something else a little more pressing.