The oversized version of Olivia, Crimson bride and Edgar, Charmed Broom are also missing


(8 replies, posted in Announcements)

I think it was some cold foil

scramasax wrote:

Nice. I already classified my first batch and was ready to enter them. 

There is again a  new feature on cards to screw up classification.  There is some embossing on the border. This is not tool marks. From Draft booster I got 6/22 plains with embossing to give you an idea about number. While looking at the card on the table we don't see the difference. You can feel it when handling the card and while moving it at light the raised part of the card will reflect the light a little more because of edges  but we are far from foil reflection.

docvalentine wrote:

Still missing Mechagodzilla, Battle Fortress (Hangarback Walker) "Welcome Back" promo 001/001

Look at hangarback walker, love your lgs  printing