Cmarch82 wrote:

A friend told me about the site a few years ago. Personally I do not play as much as I used to so I would rather have the money and let someone enjoy the cards more than I do. I have had a few people reach out asking about the collection but not many people have that kind of cash sitting around so I would welcome trades as well. I play legacy mostly I think there will not be interest from standard or modern players for a majority of my collection which limits me to interested buyers. If you have more more standard or modern cards in your collection you might have better luck? Would you consider trades as well?

Would be interesting in talking about a bulk deal for your lands as well if you're open to it?

While I don't have the means to purchase the entire collection but, I do have a specific area of interest. Would you be interested in a bulk deal for all of the lands?


(15 replies, posted in Announcements)

ZNR Art Series

I have two #8 Art Card: Plains 2. One with a sig and one without.

I also have a number of other cards that have the same artwork as shown for the card but without the sig.


(4 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

I might be interested, what are you looking to get for the collection? Assuming your deckbox inventory is what you have avail?

Arty is my personal name for the deck because it's nearly all artifacts and Golos is the commander.

Looking for some suggestions to improve this EDH deck I've built and tweaked and tweaked. The goal behind the deck is to be a 5-colour-colourless deck. With Golos as commander I believe I have the land stuff sorted out and have been able to trigger his ability during a few games.

A couple things I'm looking for help on if possible is ramp, card interactions and draw power. I've played the deck a few times in 1v1 and 1v3 and the previously noted issues have occurred. But I have had a few wins with the right opening draw.

The goal of the deck is to be entirely colorless for everything except Golos. My general style of play is to get/build big fat chonkers and just smack opponents with damage. I'm not sure if that works with this deck or not so I'm a bit lost. I think what I need for this deck rather than big fat beasts is card interactions that get to a win condition. I'm not a fan of infinite combos, would rather enjoy the gameplay to the end.

So here's the link to the Deck as it stands today:

And I don't want to spend money, I would like to use my existing inventory which you can see here:

Any thoughts would be awesome!
Thanks in advance!

To follow up on this, I believe the missing digital cards from my Mystery booster set were entered into deckbox with their original printed set rather than mystery boosters. So I think that might be easy to cleanup. But still would really like to hear from the community regarding digital/physical inventory management.

Hey all,

I've recently discovered (and suspected for a long time) that my deckbox inventory was not 100% in sync with my physical inventory. I verified this recently with my Mystery booster cards.

The issue I uncovered is that I had cards marked as owned in Deckbox that I didn't own and I had physical cards that weren't marked in deckbox.

Does anyone have any tips or tricks or ideas for rationalizing these two lists?

For the Mystery booster I had to pull every card out of that binders set and then go through a-z in the deckbox edition card list and I'm just hoping there might be an easier idea...

Thanks in advance!