

(26 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Skewed trade values, excessive trade downs/ups, eternal-standard barrier; there are a lot of reasons why I would cancel a trade if it was unreasonable.


(30 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Have Promo Farseek, Stromkirk Noble
Interested in promo Resto

If you could find something for 10 from me I'd be interested.

Looking for trade/cash


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

interested in trade?

futilediversion wrote:

Feel free to add things from inventory that you're interested in and I'll let you know what's being used. I'd love to work something out.

I listed up there the cards I was interested in and they were all decked haha.

futilediversion wrote:

Something from inventory is ok as long as its not being used in a deck, I also have a bunch of DGM that I haven't had time to add to my list yet so if there's something from that you need let me know. The death rites, deltas, and decays are all in the same deck.

I actually have zero interest in DGM, sorry.

futilediversion wrote:

The judge command tower just got traded at FNM this past friday, i'm ok with the other two choices if you want to pick something else smile

Other than that I only see cards from inventory. (Delta, Foil Signed DRite, Foil Abrupt Decay and Heath.)

Added Jap Advent.

futilediversion wrote:

I would be interested at 3X english, 4X is a bit rich for my blood.

I'd do it for Crucible, Revillark and Judge Promo Command Tower. That's about 48.

Paul_K wrote:

what are mana rocks?  What does ETB stand for?

Mana Rocks: cards like sol ring that are artifacts and tap for mana

ETB: enter the battlefield

How is it that you win legacy tournaments but don't know basic terminology?

do you still have that mint chinese capture of jingzhou?

yeah; hi again big_smile


Added cards

korean foils seem to be 4x regular based off of Restoration Angel and Snapcaster Mage and Cyclonic Rift (These are the ones I've traded before).

So 50-60ish

Paul_K wrote:

no smile

cool story bro



I got a Farseek. SCG has them at 8. Any other promo wants?


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

AmarusCameron wrote:

Looking to power up my new Standard grixis aggro control deck. I have most of the aggro from my old Rakdos aggro but I need some older RTR and GTC control stuff to fill out the DGM stuff I already have.

I am also excepting trades on suggestions for that deck.

I am not excepting trades for DGM stuff yet, I have a bunch on pre-order and want to see what I will pull.

Thank you all for your time!

I think you mean accepting tongue

still interested depending on what you want.

I can take all of them @ 2 per if you are ok with that valuation.

yep; I'm the one who bought this one:

http://www.abugames.com/card237160-4131 … -Card.html

