Topic: Cancel rant


OK.  So I understand sometimes you have stuff on your want list and stuff on your trade list, and you get offered a trade but you don't want to make it for some reason (e.g.; you have another trade with one or more of those cards in the works, you're holding out for a trade of specific cards, etc.).  But why, oh why, would people people straight up just cancel a trade with no explanation at all when the trade contains only items in their want/trade lists?? 

Really, is it that hard to just drop a line with a reason?  Am I being to sensitive here?  What up?  Tell me, please.


Re: Cancel rant

Skewed trade values, excessive trade downs/ups, eternal-standard barrier; there are a lot of reasons why I would cancel a trade if it was unreasonable.

Re: Cancel rant

I will cancel a trade without saying anything if:

-You didn't say anything in the chatbox when you proposed the trade; like: "Hey whats up, how's this look" or "I'm interested in this card, can you even it up on my side?"  If you left it blank and I don't want to do the trade, I'll cancel without a response.

-You propose a trade for my eternal staple, fetches, duals, etc. for a bunch of standard cards on my wishlist.

-You propose a trade that goes against the perameters for trades I set up on my profile page, under **Please read before proposing trades**  If you can't take 30 seconds to read my trading policies, why should I take the time to explain why I'm cancelling when it's already written on my profile?

Other than that I always type a reply before cancelling with my reason.

Re: Cancel rant

Almundjoy wrote:

I will cancel a trade without saying anything if:

-You didn't say anything in the chatbox when you proposed the trade; like: "Hey whats up, how's this look" or "I'm interested in this card, can you even it up on my side?"  If you left it blank and I don't want to do the trade, I'll cancel without a response.

-You propose a trade for my eternal staple, fetches, duals, etc. for a bunch of standard cards on my wishlist.

-You propose a trade that goes against the perameters for trades I set up on my profile page, under **Please read before proposing trades**  If you can't take 30 seconds to read my trading policies, why should I take the time to explain why I'm cancelling when it's already written on my profile?

Other than that I always type a reply before cancelling with my reason.


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Free yourself from yourself

Re: Cancel rant

Almundjoy wrote:

I will cancel a trade without saying anything if:

-You didn't say anything in the chatbox when you proposed the trade; like: "Hey whats up, how's this look" or "I'm interested in this card, can you even it up on my side?"  If you left it blank and I don't want to do the trade, I'll cancel without a response.

-You propose a trade for my eternal staple, fetches, duals, etc. for a bunch of standard cards on my wishlist.

-You propose a trade that goes against the perameters for trades I set up on my profile page, under **Please read before proposing trades**  If you can't take 30 seconds to read my trading policies, why should I take the time to explain why I'm cancelling when it's already written on my profile?

Other than that I always type a reply before cancelling with my reason.

Stealing bits of your policy from you. haha

Re: Cancel rant

Almundjoy wrote:

I will cancel a trade without saying anything if:

-You didn't say anything in the chatbox when you proposed the trade; like: "Hey whats up, how's this look" or "I'm interested in this card, can you even it up on my side?"  If you left it blank and I don't want to do the trade, I'll cancel without a response.

-You propose a trade for my eternal staple, fetches, duals, etc. for a bunch of standard cards on my wishlist.

-You propose a trade that goes against the perameters for trades I set up on my profile page, under **Please read before proposing trades**  If you can't take 30 seconds to read my trading policies, why should I take the time to explain why I'm cancelling when it's already written on my profile?

Other than that I always type a reply before cancelling with my reason.

I would say this is the most reasonable reasons to do that, though I normally like to have a short conversation to explain why I am canceling.

Though sometimes a guy tries to convince me that my Sword of light and shadow is worth only two godless shrines (GTC versions no less) and even after I explain to him why it is worth much more than that and he gets all indignant that he would have to offer more than printed value I will cancel with no further explaination. By the way that joker normally starts the trade in the first place because I would never trade those swords for standard.

Last edited by AmarusCameron (2013-05-10 17:25:00)

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: Cancel rant

Nothing drives me more bonkers than someone who cancels a trade without saying anything or who just something like "no thanks" and doesn't explain why.  If you explain why my offer wasn't good, I know how to proceed with trading with you in the future.  It is especially maddening when it's cards on your wishlist for cards on mine and there are no cross-format/trading up type issues. 

As someone else already pointed out, lots of people just suck at communicating I guess.

Re: Cancel rant

Paul_K wrote:

The wishlist part is what I don't like either, my biggest pet peeve.

Yeah no joke.  I hate when people reject trades because they're not really interested in trading for X card that is on their wishlist.  Why have it on there if you aren't trading for it? (Assuming it's not a cross-format/trade-down situation)

Re: Cancel rant

Usually it is a lower priority for them and they want to keep the card they are trading for a higher priority item smile

Profile   |   Foil Traders Community
Free yourself from yourself

Re: Cancel rant

billbollow wrote:

Nothing drives me more bonkers than someone who cancels a trade without saying anything or who just something like "no thanks" and doesn't explain why.  If you explain why my offer wasn't good, I know how to proceed with trading with you in the future.  It is especially maddening when it's cards on your wishlist for cards on mine and there are no cross-format/trading up type issues. 

As someone else already pointed out, lots of people just suck at communicating I guess.

I'm guilty of the "no thanks" without further explanation. I guess I'll try to explain why I do it.

First, I definitely suck at communicating. Sometimes I'm just reviewing trades on my phone, and I'm not really interested in a trade, the other person doesn't have anything that I want for the cards that they want, and I just want to cancel a trade, so they can move on. I typically reserve my curt responses to people who offer me standard stuff for eternal stuff (People who do this with the value in their favor also tend to get no response... Although, some of them may be oblivious regarding format value now that I think about it. I know I was at first).

Also, there are just times when I want to just clear up my trades, and I don't feel like typing much. It's lazy, I know, but my days can be so mentally and emotionally draining that I come on here to unwind kind of but don't really want to put any effort into anything.

I guess that's the perspective of someone who doesn't always communicate as well as some people would like. And the only trades that I cancel without saying anything are typically ones that I start, or trades where I'm just done with the other person.

Re: Cancel rant

Fair enough.  But I'm talking about trades I have been in where the other party just says they're not looking to trade for that card right now.

On that point though, I'd love it if this site eventually gets a priority system for the wishlist.  Not a complaint, just a dream smile

Re: Cancel rant

Wasn't there just one these threads not too long ago lol? Feels like Deja Vu...

Im sorry but the letters "H" and "I" are not that far spaced on a computer keyboard so there really isnt an excuse to not use what I consider to be the best tool of this entire site when discussing trades. Every other site, you have to send a PM and wait for response and then send another. Trades can take days just to set up. Being able to use the chatbox and actually discuss the trade in real time when your both online should make it easier not hard to make a trade.

Not only that but, It really makes me think twice about trading with that person in the future. Not that I wont trade with them but when they post a thread asking what they are looking for and I happen to have it for trade, Im more reluctant to trade with said person just out of spite and having to worry about talking to myself in the chatbox. I talk to myself alone enough in real life and just gets too annoying to deal with when there are plenty of other users I could trade with no problem.

Im going to lie, it annoys me to no end when this happens to me and the best is when a couple days later, that same person that cancelled the trade proposes another trade right back to me still not saying anything.

Re: Cancel rant

UnstableFlux wrote:

Usually it is a lower priority for them and they want to keep the card they are trading for a higher priority item smile

I wish they would have included that kinda of feature to show priority or have people come up with universal system that everyone would learn and understand.

When I build a deck and I find cards I want to include but don't yet, that doesnt mean I want them all of sudden. For example. I want to build a Rasputin Dreamweaver EDH deck and use some of his free mana to cast a Sphinx's Rev. Since I dont have one, I put it on my wishlist as something to be on the look for but its not a huge deal cause I could happily use something else instead. Well What happens? I get 3-4 trade offers of my Snapcaster or Fetchland for it...

Re: Cancel rant

Helios52 wrote:
UnstableFlux wrote:

Usually it is a lower priority for them and they want to keep the card they are trading for a higher priority item smile

I wish they would have included that kinda of feature to show priority or have people come up with universal system that everyone would learn and understand.

When I build a deck and I find cards I want to include but don't yet, that doesnt mean I want them all of sudden. For example. I want to build a Rasputin Dreamweaver EDH deck and use some of his free mana to cast a Sphinx's Rev. Since I dont have one, I put it on my wishlist as something to be on the look for but its not a huge deal cause I could happily use something else instead. Well What happens? I get 3-4 trade offers of my Snapcaster or Fetchland for it...

And those trades are almost always in the other person's favor. Far too often it's in the other person's favor by a few dollars, and they have cheap cards that I want that they didn't even consider throwing into the mix. Those people tend to get a "no thanks" from me and nothing else, because I've completely lost any interest in trading with them. Even if I think that there's a trade that could be worked out, I won't do it, because I don't want their cards or to send them mine.

Re: Cancel rant

For the folks talking about a priority system, what I did this week was create a deck that contains my "high priority wants," and linked that from my forum signature (see below). It does require a minor amount of overhead, but I hope others will find it helpful.

Now, as far as communication goes, I am in agreement that all trades at least deserve some introduction or response. If I'm unsure whether a trade will be accepted, I put in that there will be "no hard feelings" if the other party cancels. Even if they say, "sorry, not interested," at least that's SOMETHING.

Great point, however, that was mentioned about checking the site from a phone. I prefer to do all heavy lifting here from a computer or tablet, as trying to work with all the editable boxes from a very tiny screen is a Herculean task. I can get being less likely to say something in that format, but, take it from me, it helps IMMENSELY to at least have some response, even if brief.

Re: Cancel rant

I think that someone who doesn't communicate is losing out. When you're talking with someone, you can get a sense for what they are after, what deck they are building, etc.

I know that I have several open trades where I've looked at their Wishlist, added some things to my lists, made an offer, and added a message with something like "If I have something else you want more, let's work this out."

What I don't like is when that person immediately asks if I'll trade my spare Badlands away. And I won't, and they get mad.

Tl;dr is talk about things and be polite.

Re: Cancel rant

Paul_K wrote:

Deckbox is a small thing, granted, but has greater implications.

This +100. Great message, Paul_K.

Re: Cancel rant

I dont really use the "condition" feature for cards in my wishlist to actually mean condition. If the card is marked as "NM" or the "star", it means I am actively looking hard for this card is a high Priority. If there isnt anything, there (just the Edition, Language and Type being Foil, Full-art ETC) then its all stuff I dont mind trading for at my leisure.

I set this up also as a kinda of test to see if people actually read my profile with that "considerations" I posted there. I cant say its 100% effective but since I took the time to spell it out, I have seen alot less bad trades being offered.

@ Paul_K- I completely agree...

Last edited by Helios52 (2013-05-10 19:57:13)

Re: Cancel rant

People get offended if you even think about offering standard staples for their $25 fetchland... but then they'll do the same every chance they get.

Re: Cancel rant

cornely06 wrote:

People get offended if you even think about offering standard staples for their $25 fetchland... but then they'll do the same every chance they get.

1000 times this.  If you don't have a disclaimer on your profile/post saying "don't offer me standard for x cards" I am not going to assume anything.  It is definitely somewhat rare but some people are willing to trade across formats.   People seem to get way more bent out of shape about this then is necessary.

On the other side of the coin, I've made a few different posts in the reddit forum about stuff i'm looking for with disclaimers about what i'm willing to trade for it, and it's amazing how many people don't even seem to read the whole post and fire off a "playset of x standard card for your clique?" offers.

Re: Cancel rant

Paul_K wrote:

Some ppl.  I don't get offended by any offer since I have the gaul to change it and communicate via the chatbox.

You.  I like you.

Re: Cancel rant

Paul_K wrote:
cornely06 wrote:

People get offended if you even think about offering standard staples for their $25 fetchland... but then they'll do the same every chance they get.

Some ppl.  I don't get offended by any offer since I have the gaul to change it and communicate via the chatbox.

I wish this was the standard rather than the exception.

Re: Cancel rant

Paul_K wrote:
meatforsale wrote:

but don't really want to put any effort into anything.

If you don't put effort into anything is it really worth doing?  aren't you just going through the motions then?  Think if you don't put effort into a romance or a marriage, or post marriage, or father/motherhood, or into work, into driving, into beliefs, what then is the point of any of them?  They all deteriorate.  Apathy is a dangerous toy to play with.

Deckbox is a small thing, granted, but has greater implications.

If that were the norm for me then yeah, it would be an issue. It isn't, though. Sometimes in life we are just going through the motions.

Being a dad, in a relationship, going to school for 9 hours a day then studying for the majority of the other 10 or so that I'm awake takes its toll. Sometimes (not often and more appropriately "rarely") I just don't want to deal with a trade offer that doesn't work for me or if a card is gone that the person wants (or they don't have anything that I really want), I'll just toss out a "no thanks".

I see your point, though. Deckbox is a great site with some great people, and I try really hard to conduct myself on the internet the way I do in real life... But sometimes I just want to get rid of clutter. I'm probably not explaining myself well. It's been a fairly exhausting week for me, so what I'm thinking and what I'm typing aren't necessarily cooperating with each other.

Re: Cancel rant

Consider that most of the people on here are also going to be trading in the weekly trading thread at /r/magictcg. Sometimes people just get the stuff they want, and the update doesn't make it to their deckbox tradelist in time.

Re: Cancel rant … for_may_6/

Actinide runs that thread smile there's a link to it on the /r/MagicTCG sidebar