Thank you! This is SO HELPFUL!

Makes me glad I am a subscriber!

AdamC wrote:
Davidy212 wrote:

Hi I think these new features are nice when making a new deck. The issue really is going though older decks. You have to pick the card from inventory for each one to make it look "nice". When you select "build deck" it doesn't auto pick a version if you have multiple versions. If it did than it would be great!

Still, as I am building a new deck, the features are pretty neat!

I would rather not have it do that. Auto selection then means my deck inventory doesn't reflect what's really in the deck. Much easier to see what isn't set yet and fix it correctly.

I don't know about you, but having to select 50 to 80 cards is a chore. And I have over 50 decks so I rather not thanks!

Hi I think these new features are nice when making a new deck. The issue really is going though older decks. You have to pick the card from inventory for each one to make it look "nice". When you select "build deck" it doesn't auto pick a version if you have multiple versions. If it did than it would be great!

Still, as I am building a new deck, the features are pretty neat!


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you for the reply. I plan to stick with it and see what improvements are made. I do like the site a lot.

I think, at least for me, with a few changes this may end up being an improvement.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi, is there a way for the build deck feature to automatically select the latest version of the card I own so the rarity symbol is not greyed out?

I find this very frustrating as at first glance I am not sure I am missing the card or no.

I also find it frustrating that the box for the card count in the deck is yellow for both cards I am missing and cards I have not selected a version of.

Again, when looking at it, it looks like I am missing many cards when in fact I own them.

Since the update this site has been much harder to use.

I do enjoy many of the features here, but as a subscriber, I am wondering if this is something I want to continue.



(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I second this. Would be nice to have an input just for the base set.

Yaco wrote:

I have encountered many problems with this update, and I don't know if they are bugs or if I don't understand the new features/changes.

All the problems are in the decks section.
First of all, I can't "autofill" my decks with cards from my collection anymore, I tried the "match details to collection" button and it doesn't seem to work, it just completes some cards but most of my cards remain with unselected versions. All my decks are now "versionless" and it is a pain to get them manually card by card on almost 100 decks.

Also, the deck tab now uses cards on my wishlist and doesn't show them in red, but in white as I just have them, which makes shopping a bit awkward. The shopping assistant button seems to be missing as well sad

Having multiple prints/conditions on a playset also makes the "cards not owned" count to increase even if I have all of them.

Colors in general seems strange, I dont understand the logic behind colors in card counts on decks (white/green/yellow/red).

Hopefully someone can help me understand what's a bug and what's me not understanding the update :S
Thanks in advance!!!

Totally agree with everything you said. This update is awful, no offense. It does not improve the user experience at all.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Yep, this has been mentioned & requested before, and on my radar. The issue is right now the cards that are the "base set" are not marked in the database in any way, I'd have to go through all the sets and manually set which collector number interval is the "base". (Or find a way to import this from gatherer / scryfall /somewhere else)

I think I reported this by accident! Wrong button!

Thank you for the reply.
I think they usually number the cards with the base cards coming first, followed by the special treatments.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi, I love this site and I'm a subscriber. I use this site to track my collection and all my decks.

You have an option when adding cards to sets called "Mass Input". This option allows you to add one of every card or four of every card in the set.

This worked great for older sets since there was only one version of each card.

However, as we all know, many sets can have many different versions (full art, borderless, showcase, etc etc).

Would it be possible to add an option to just add a "one of" for one particular version? Or say just add one of for the base set?

For example, the base set of LOTRs has 281 cards (including the basic lands). But there are 426 slots in the set. So I can't do a mass input even though I have all the regular cards.

It would save a lot of time to be able to mass input the base set.



(27 replies, posted in Announcements)

DMU Commander cards please


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi thank you, that worked!


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi when I mouse over a card, the image preview doesn't come up. It just says "loading". Also, when I click on a card, like Thawing Glaciers, the image is not showing up.