2 Shardless Agent remaining.

Oh, it seems to be a popular meme. Okay. There are worse cards like Squire and friends, but have at it.

Why are you collecting Storm Crow?

Bump, still need a couple things.

2x Shardless Agent - $14 each
2x Chain Lightning (Fire & Lightning) - $9 each

All cards are NM. I can provide pictures later today.

I needed 1 agent and 2 lightnings for my cubes and the tcglow stores all tried to screw me with delivery fees. You guys know how it is in Canada. I finally found the cards for a good price on ebay but they were being sold as 4ofs, so I want to get rid of the excess cards. With shipping and paypal cut I ended up paying $17 per Agent and $10 per Lightning.

http://www.ebay.ca/itm/310751184535?ssP … 1439.l2649
http://www.ebay.ca/itm/310751192886?ssP … 1439.l2649

I'm offering the extra cards to you guys for cheaper than I paid and I'll be covering the shipping costs (~$1 regular mail). From what I can gather, that beats out any tcglow offers when you factor in shipping.

I accept paypal gift for the payment and will ship out immediately.

I'm also willing to trade these cards away, but then we're using tcgmid vs. tcgmid like usual.

1 inquisition, for my cube. Also just picked up a reanimate, but I'm still interested in the rest.

Updated haves / wants. Added Shardless Agents and Chain Lightnings to my tradelist.

Mike_Machine wrote:

I normally get 4-5 mythics a box... the problem is sometimes you pull those crappy $2 mythics...lol

Hm, this might be right. It seems 1/8 boosters have a mythic so 4.5 is the average in a booster box with 36 boosters. I misheard someone they said cracking Elspeth is 1/40 chance and thought they meant mythics or something.

I went in on a box to do 4-player sealed with friends and I think we only got 2 crummy ones. It was a really awful box. Only things of note were like 2 thoughtseizes. Sad times.

Holy crap 3 mythics in one box??? I didn't think that was even possible.

I'm looking to build a Standard Bant deck and also finish my Peasant Cube.

Sphinx's Revelation
Temple Garden (RTR) x2
Temple of Mystery
Plasm Capture
Detention Sphere x2
Baleful Strix
Kitchen Finks
Serendib Efreet (FTV)
Inquisition of Kozilek
Land Tax
Sylvan Library

Shardless Agent x2
Chain Lightning x2 (Fire & Lightning)
Advent of the Wurm (foil)
Enlightened Tutor (Mirage)
Azusa, Lost but Seeking
Phyrexian Tower
Oblivion Stone
Defense of the Heart
Privileged Position
Prismatic Omen
a bunch more

I'm looking to build a Standard Bant deck and also finish my Peasant Cube.

Breeding Pool x3 (GTC)
Hallowed Fountain (RTR)
Temple Garden (RTR) x3
Temple of Mystery x2
Sphinx's Revelation x4
Advent of the Wurm x4
Plasm Capture
Detention Sphere x2
Baleful Strix
Kitchen Finks
Serendib Efreet (FTV)
Inquisition of Kozilek
Reanimate (Graveborn)
Land Tax
Sylvan Library

Thoughtseize (TH) x2
RTR and GTC Shocklands
Advent of the Wurm (foil)
Enlightened Tutor (Mirage)
Azusa, Lost but Seeking
Phyrexian Tower
Oblivion Stone
Defense of the Heart
Privileged Position
Prismatic Omen
a bunch more

I'm looking to build a Standard Bant deck and also finish my Peasant Cube.

Breeding Pool x3 (GTC)
Hallowed Fountain (RTR)
Temple Garden (RTR) x3
Temple of Mystery x2
Sphinx's Revelation x4
Advent of the Wurm x4
Plasm Capture
Detention Sphere x2
Baleful Strix
Kitchen Finks
Serendib Efreet (FTV)
Inquisition of Kozilek
Reanimate (Graveborn)
Land Tax
Sylvan Library

Thoughtseize (TH) x2
RTR and GTC Shocklands
Advent of the Wurm (foil)
Enlightened Tutor (Mirage)
Azusa, Lost but Seeking
Phyrexian Tower
Oblivion Stone
Defense of the Heart
Privileged Position
Prismatic Omen
a bunch more

I'm looking to finish my cubes. I need:

2x Chain Lightning (Premium Fire & Lightning) *TOP PRIORITY*
Shardless Agent
Baleful Strix
Demonic Tutor (revised)
Land Tax
Sylvan Library

And a bunch of other cards in the $1-$5 range.

I've got a few sweet things for trade including my pulls from Theros prerelease events.

Cards listed as 99x are LOW PRIORITY and meant to be filler for big trades. It's stuff to bling my EDH decks mostly. I'm not actively trading for them.

It's a good idea. People always want shinies. Always.

Fixed. No, not interested in foil pact. Cards listed as 99 are also low priority for me meant mostly as filler to bigger trades.

I'm looking to finish my cubes. I need:

2x Chain Lightning (Premium Fire & Lightning) *TOP PRIORITY*
Shardless Agent
Baleful Strix
Demonic Tutor (revised)
Land Tax
Sylvan Library

And a bunch of other cards in the $1-$5 range.

I've got a few sweet things for trade including my pulls from Theros prerelease events.

Oh, and I'm interested in Theros foils to complete my set.

centurion911 wrote:
Delandel wrote:

Aetherling is not comparable to Elspeth. Aetherling wins you the game but is very poor at stabilizing. The turn it comes out, it blocks one thing tops. Elspeth drops 3 blockers on the field. Or she wraths. That's a huge difference in terms of stabilizing the board. And then when you've stabilized she can also go ahead and win you the game just like Aetherling could.

But hey, if she's a sleeper hit then all the better for me.

On the other hand, Elspeth can be stopped. Aetherling can't.

Think of this realistically. Elspeth comes out on 6, Aetherling comes out on 7 unless you're POSITIVE your opponent has no removal, or even 8 if this is game 1 and your opponent hasn't had any targets yet to spend his removal on. Elspeth immediately drops 3 blockers to stabilize or wraths, Aetherling is 1 blocker to stabilize.  Elspeth can be killed only if the opponent has some form of evasion, and only if that creature has 3 power or less, and if it's exactly 3 then it still takes at least 2 turns. The only thing Aetherling can block with "evasion" that Elspeth's tokens cannot is a fattie with trample + haste together, so.. actually nothing that exists yet.

So killing her with creatures is actually very difficult unless something pops up in the meta that changes that fact. Stormbreath Dragon will sometimes work if it even sees play, but if Elspeth was making tokens and doesn't have a followup wrath in hand then taking 8+ damage with the Aetherling scenerio is about as bad. Hero's Demise and Dreadbore are the only things Aetherling truly has over Elspeth.

So, slightly harder to kill, more expensive creature.. or something much, much better at stabilizing against aggro decks. Not a hard choice for me.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a comfy leather armchair to recline in and a wooden pipe to thoughtfully chew on.

Aetherling is not comparable to Elspeth. Aetherling wins you the game but is very poor at stabilizing. The turn it comes out, it blocks one thing tops. Elspeth drops 3 blockers on the field. Or she wraths. That's a huge difference in terms of stabilizing the board. And then when you've stabilized she can also go ahead and win you the game just like Aetherling could.

But hey, if she's a sleeper hit then all the better for me.

She's incredibly powerful and is going to be a big player in Standard at the very least, not to mention casual appeal. She's the ideal top-end card for control decks. I don't understand how people keep calling her bad.  I can see her being a 2of at the very least in the best control decks to come, possibly 3of.

I'd be fine picking them up at $18 each. Starcity has them at $30, which is way too much, since when packs are cracked she will undoubtedly drop in price from there. The fact that she's unlikely to be a 4of anywhere is what will keep the price lower than instant 4of cards like Voice of Resurgence or JTMS, also that she's in what will be the most opened card pool of Theros.

$10? Don't get your hopes up.

EDIT: For the record, I expect her to settle around the $15-20 range. I'd be shocked to see her settle lower than that and equally shocked if she went above $25.

I should've posted here first hmm

I'm building a Pauper (commons) and Peasant (commons + uncommons) cube. I need cards ranging from 10c to $15, most of them falling in the <$1 range. I've received a lot of cards so far but I still need many more. If they are on my wishlist, then I need them. I am willing to downtrade my significantly more expensive cards to finish my cubes, but I'll want significant extra value if I do that. If it's on my tradelist then it's up for grabs.

Good Example: You want my $10 shockland and offer me 30x cards worth a total of $16. I'll do this.

Bad Example: You want my $10 shockland and offer me 30x cards with a total of $10.02. I will look at your offer with a mixture of disappointment and contempt. You'll feel this through the monitor and I will hope that it will be mildly unpleasant for you.

Let's be honest: those $0.30 cards are technically worth that much, but it's next to impossible to actually trade/sell them to anybody. They'll be sitting in your shoebox for an eternity, never to see any real use, until you either throw it out or sell all your junk in bulk for next to nothing. When was the last time you saw a post saying "I NEED YOUR STINGSCOURGER! I WILL TRADE ANYTHING FOR IT"? I want to put those cards to use. The real value of the card if the time/effort it takes on your part to look for it and pull it out, that's all. Your kindling cards + a little time/effort = cards you want from me. That simple.

THERE ARE ALSO A FEW MONEY CARDS THAT I NEED! Particularly in Peasant. Demonic Tutor, Ancient Tomb, and Chain Lightning are ones that I can think of off the top of my head. So it's not just all 30c cards.

I'll do local trades to save you the postage. I'm available to trade on weekends, preferably at around 5pm (I'm at 401games at 6 for EDH).

You'll notice a lot of people are sending me offers. Local Toronto trades have priority over all the rest. That doesn't mean that I WILL take your offer, however. Every day or so I'm accepting another offer and removing 10+ cards from my wishlist so things can change. Please don't send me an offer if you think because you took the time to pull out cards that I owe you something.

Apologies if this post comes across as snarky or mean. That's not my intention. Constructing these cubes has been incredibly more time consuming than I would have thought and I've spent literally hours going through so many offers so I have a good idea of what I want/expect so I want to pass that info to you guys.

TBittenbender wrote:

I have a bunch of cards u need
willing to go for obzedat and hallowed fountain
willing to ship to Canada as well, let me know

Anything on my tradelist is up for grabs!

Hey, let's make a trade.

I have a ton of the cards in your wishlish that aren't in my inventory.

Cool, post what you've got and I'll check it out!

Are you looking for specific cards?  If not i could give you 250 random pre scars commons/uncommons (175/75) for your the dark set of tormods crypts your goblin welder, and your swords to plowshares

Looking for specific cards for my cube.

I'm looking to trade for stuff on my wishlist, or simply just straight for cashmonies.

I'd rather not buy unless you make an offer I couldn't refuse. Would like to stick to trades. Do note that cards listed as 99x are low priority, generally foil versions for EDH bling that I'm in no rush to acquire but is fine to throw in to balance out bigger trades.

My cubes are listed on my profile under "Peasant Cube" and "Pauper Cube." I'm interested in all the cards in my wishlist, though anything listed as 99x is low priority. Unfortunately, deckbox doesn't allow me to make multiple wishlists, they're all on the same list. Any common listed is going to be something I need for both cubes, and the vast majority of uncommons are for my peasant cube.

Sorry, no guarantees. Look up these cards at your own risk.

marumari wrote:

I have quite a lot of these; I'll try to work up a deal.  I have no idea how much shipping to Canada is going to be, though.  O_o

I have no idea. I hope the shipping costs aren't insane sad

Thank you so much everyone for the offers so far! I understand how it can be a pain in the ass to scrounge up random junk from your boxes and I really do appreciate the time you took for me. I can't go through all of the offers right now but I'll try to respond to everyone in the next day or two.

hanker307 wrote:

Are you interested in foils? If so I have a bunch of stuff you're looking for as I recently dismantled my cube.

Not particularly, but if they're only a small price increase then I don't mind. If a $0.30 regular is $0.50 foil then that's fine. I don't want to trade for a $3.00 foil selesnya signet when the regular is only $0.25 though. There's something appealing in bringing a cheap ass >$100 pauper cube to a place knowing that it wouldn't be the end of the world if it got lost/stolen.

You had a pauper/peasant cube as well? How did you store it? I can't find an ideal "cube box" yet, so right now I'm thinking multiple fat pack boxes.

I'm building both a Pauper and Peasant cube. Since they're both 400 cards each and my collection only starts at Scars of Mirrodin, I need a lot of cards. A lot.

I'm willing to downtrade heavily for the cards that I want. Yup, I'll trade down my $10 card for you truckload of 0.25 commons that are sitting in your shoebox and you've been contemplating just throwing out because it's taking up more and more space. Seriously. My only request is that you add extra value to big downtrades.

Please check out my wishlist. Thanks for looking!