(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am currently updating my tradelist bare with me please.


311chaos wrote:

I am not clear, are you trying to get a Boros Reckoner or trying to trade one?

I am trying to get the stuff or equal value of stuff off the list for the reckoner. I have the reckoner bud

Looking for stuff off this list to equal up to a Boros reckoner that I have


Sacred Foundry
Watery Grave
Breeding pool
Stomping ground
Kitchen finks
Spell snare
Path to exile


(21 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I find that the communication is the issue here . If more people would communicate on here instead of just waiting unitil someone files a complaint about them . And I will also notify that Canada has one of the most expensive mailing in the world .About 2 weeks ago I asked just out of pure curiousity what it would cost to have something tracked and I was told $25 on the min I was like wow a whole lot of money . I don't know about most of you but that is outrageous . I have one trade at the moment has almost hit a month that the cards have been in the mail . But it is the communication is the issue as well as lazy traders if you will not evn talk to the people you are trading with you shouldn't even be trading on here it ruins it for those of us who do .


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

No problem Ty I got it traded away now thx for lettin me know .

Hey Habs my godless shrine for your Sacred foundry you interested ?????


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

If you interested I will trade you godless shrine for a foundry hit me up if you would like Ty.

Np thx anyways

I am interested in the fury if you want to take a look.

Both are gone now thx for looking

This is a great idea glad to see team Canada is rocking on here .. crossin my fingers for me to win

I sent you a trade proposal for the Stomping ground Thanks for your time .

I would be interested in a few packs check out my trade list see if there anything If not thats kool What are you valuing the packs at ???? as well .


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Current Wants Are
4x Desecration demon
4x Lifebane Zombie
3X Godless shrine
3x Temple garden


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

This thread is going to were I post my wants and if anyone wants to hit me up for a trade leave me a msg in here I will get back to you a.s.a.p.  If you are looking for an common or uncommon I might it in my trade box just not list so that you don't have to look thru pages of clutter.

Sorry I do not have  Thanks thou

I have the foil one from the duels deck .
You have a bunch of goblins i am interested in if you wanna make a deal make a deal .this is what i want off you .
1 elvish arch druid
3 goblin chieftain
1 foil krenko mob boss
2 goblin king (*only if they are black border)

Check out my trade list maybe we can work out a deal ???

Interested in the 4 champion of the parish Sir


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Ok I will give you 15 cards @ $3 dollars value or I can give you a Smile ...

Nighthawk wrote:
DrSatan wrote:

ok 10 $ for the whole lot .

Man, there's lowballing and then there's ... this.

We actually know each other bud I am just messin with him..

ok 10 $ for the whole lot .

I sent you an offer let me know what ya think ok???

How many are you looking for ??

If you can put a dollar value or are you going part it out ???