(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)


Mostly looking to ship these blood moons and cavern.  If you don't have stuff on my wish list, no biggie, I'm happy to pick up spec targets, just start a trade.


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Edit: gone!


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Is there a way to block trades from a particular player?

Basically I want a trade ignore list.

This guy has sent me 5 random trades that are usually canceled by him within minutes.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Chrome on a Nexus 5


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Can we get the christmas cards (stocking tiger, evil presents, naughty // nice, etc.) added to deckbox?


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'm having the same issue.  I noticed it first while trying to set up trades.

ponder is banned in modern as well.

I'd suggest serum visions and sleight of hand as replacements.

You've got lightning helix and serra ascendant's lifelink ability to gain life.  You're also running full fetches/shocks.  You're very unlikely to get over the 30 life to make serra ascendant actually good.  Sun titan costs too much if you're not cheating him out via windbrisk heights or reanimation effects, ranger of eos and aven mindcensor is a nonbo.  Anthem effects are generally not worth it so I'd cut honor of the pure too. 

Since we've lowered the curve a bit, I'd also cut some lands...

I'd cut:

3 serra ascendant
2 sun titan
4 honor of the pure
2 aven mindcensor
2 flagstones of troikar

and I'd add:
4 lightning bolt
4 champion of the parish
3 mirran crusader

lightning bolt is a great removal/reach spell.  Champion and mirran will both work with cavern (name: human) and champion will get triggers off all your creatures except the figure of destiny.  Mirran crusader can't be hit by abrupt decay or maelstrom pulse, will chump tarmogoyf all day long and with a SofI equipped the damage will add up REALLY fast (12 per combat step if the sword shocks are directed at a player, plus 2 cards!). 

If you want to play up the hate bear aspect, I'd mainboard the thalias, drop the rangers of eos, add leonin arbiters, aether vials, bring the mindcensors back and probably drop the 1 drops entirely in favor of more hatebears.

edit: I'm also not a huge fan of grand abolisher, he could probably be cut for something that is better in combat like elite inquisitor or a card that can get through blockers like soltari priest.


(25 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

With all due respect, I do not think Pwyll or ColtonisWright should be involved in this conversation.  I had a bad trade ($25) over a month ago and I'm still cheesed off about it.  If it was over power I'd be livid until I was moved into a nursing home against my will (then I'd have other things to be pissed about).


This seems like a good guide to know about as they give examples of the different tests with images, what to look for and why the tests work. 

TheWaddledeeKing, while there are tests to be performed, what if you (playing the innocent) and I (playing the villain) do a trade; my mox pearl for your mox ruby.  I then take a fake mox pearl that I printed myself and post pictures of it failing tests.

"Thus, deckbox mods, I have shown that Thewaddledeeking is a nefarious scammer and should be tarred and feathered, etc."

Do the mods make us unwind the trade?  You get back a slightly smudged and bent mox pearl and whatever negative repercussions the mod think up while I increase my moxen count for a song and dance and you're none the wiser. 

This could also allow for people to unwind trades if they change their mind past the point of no return. 

I don't think the mods can design a comprehensive feature or rule to get all cases of this (admittedly rare) situation.

you don't have much in your wish list.