(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Awesome, thanks for the quick reply. And great work on the site in general, it is the most useful tool I've found to aid my cardboard addiction.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but the "present in ongoing trade" icon doesn't seem to be working consistently.  It shows up for one card I have in a pending trade (not accepted), but does NOT show up for cards that are in other trades, even ones that have shipped.  It is a great idea, and would be really helpful to see what is left that I actually need to trade for in the list.  Is this a known thing?  If so, will it be fixed?  Or am I doing something wrong?  Thanks


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I've completed a couple trades lately, and it doesn't appear that my Wishlist is ever properly updated when I receive the cards and click the update button.  I have to go manually remove them.  I don't typically specify an edition when I add cards to my wishlist, is that causing it to not match the card I just got?  I can see matching the most specific instance in the trade list, but I would really like it to pull cards off my list if the name matches even if I don't have a specific edition specified. 

Thanks for all the hard work, the site is fantastic and about the only way I get cards online now!


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

After completing a few trades there is a feature I would really like to see implemented to facilitate multiple in flight trades.  It would be great if there was either an option to update card counts for the cards involved on both sides as soon as the trade is accepted, or create a new "Pending" area for Wish List and Inventory.  That way other people won't try to trade for cards that are already spoken for, or attempt to trade you cards on your wish list that you already have active trades going for.

Also noticed recently there is still a bug with cards not being removed from the wish list at the end of a trade.  I searched the forums and it sounds like it might be related to details not matching exactly.  If a field is left blank (not specifying a set for instance), will that match against any set or will that be counted as "different" and not get removed?  Just wondering if I leave all the fields blank except for the card name if that will prevent this problem in the future.

Thanks for all the hard work on the site, it has been a great find both for organizing my stuff and finding people to trade with!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Is there a way to get notified when someone leaves a comment on an open trade?  I missed an opportunity to trade locally because I didn't know I had a message on an open trade.  Thanks


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Great, thanks smile  This site is awesome by the way... wish I would have found out about it sooner!


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Any progress on this?  Research // Development doesn't seem to be listed by either name on the card.  In the full list of cards it shows up, you can see the image if you hover over, but clicking on it says it doesn't exist.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yup, Research // Development has the same problem.  Annoying since that means you can't look to see if anyone has them for trade.