Topic: Wishlist updating broken?

I've completed a couple trades lately, and it doesn't appear that my Wishlist is ever properly updated when I receive the cards and click the update button.  I have to go manually remove them.  I don't typically specify an edition when I add cards to my wishlist, is that causing it to not match the card I just got?  I can see matching the most specific instance in the trade list, but I would really like it to pull cards off my list if the name matches even if I don't have a specific edition specified. 

Thanks for all the hard work, the site is fantastic and about the only way I get cards online now!

Re: Wishlist updating broken?

Others have reported similar issues, so I know Sebi is aware. I'll let him or Catinca chime in as to when it will be addressed.

EDIT: spelling

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.