(7 replies, posted in Set Collectors)

Hello.  My name is Paul.  I have been playing Magic since its inception though when I began playing there were at least a dozen other card games out at the same time so I played them all.  I didn't begin collecting until 1998.  I started collecting a set of everything and a booster box of everything.  I sold my collection twice when I wasn't playing magic anymore.  Now i'm back and trying to collect a set of Unlimited slowly.  I still have my collection of Demonic Tutors, so those will always be desired.

I'm interested, send me a message.  As you have 0 refs (& a minimal list of cards) I require you to send first if we work out a trade.

sinclaire wrote:

I'm looking for stuff you don't see in every trade binder. Older promos, foreign foils, neat misprints, ect. I'll consider any offer.  I've got modern, legacy and EDH staples in my tradelist.

My card list is extensive.  Take a peek.

billbollow wrote:

Looking to start foiling out my collection so have a ton on my wishlist.  I have non-foils of everything to trade back as well as my tradelist.

I have foils to fill your hearts' content.  Look at my list to see if they interest you.  I will look at your inventory for cards that interest me.  Hopefully we can come to some agreement.


(7 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

sent a trade and message.

Glueckspilz wrote:

I didn't know that existed do you maybe have a link for me? smile

Maybe you can search facebook for MTG foreign card groups.  There may be more than one thereby giving you more options & you can do something yourself increasing your competence.  Another option would be to start your own foreign card group for russian cards.  You can do any or all of these yourself.

I have one I am looking to move.  As there are no BlackCleave Cliffs listed on your wishlist do you still require any?


(4 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

That's quite a number for a pre-release at midnight.  I just can't stay up that late let alone finish a draft at 4am.  About 44 people showed up to the Nerd Store for Two-headed Giant pre-release.  The set seems fun.


(4 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

I and some friends habitually visit Nerd Store in Mt. Morris.  EMG seems like a great place - they certainly have space inside.  I am interested in hearing how the pre-release went there.


(3 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

I sent you a message regarding a factory sealed Champions of Kamigawa complete set.

I am looking to acquire P9 and Guru lands if there is anyone willing to trade.  I have far too many cards.

Jast, I received and responded to your message.  I am interested in selling my collection.

I am looking to sell my entire collection.  I don't have it all listed but a good amount is listed on my deckbox page.  Send me a message if you're interested in hearing the rest of it.


(8 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

dozer3142 wrote:

So are there no more EDH events?

Pauper & EDH events will be forthcoming. Also if you wish to host one please create an event.  If you can't create an event message me so I can grant you access to do so.


(8 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

dozer3142 wrote:

Where can I find the Rochester NY Calander page and are you guys still meeting and if so when and where I prefer to play EDH by the way

The Rochester NY home page:  https://deckbox.org/communities/rochester_ny_mtg

The Rochester NY calendar page:  https://deckbox.org/communities/rochester_ny_mtg/events


(6 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

I would like to try the cube.  The elements you are adding to it will create a different flavor of draft than I have done before.  Be sure to include plenty of mana-fixing if you are pushing for 3-color draft decks.


(6 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

My point is that 'I' would have to play it in order to give my feedback on it, not that others can't view the list and give feedback.  I just can't do that, my brain capacity is limited in that realm.  I am confident that there are numerous others that can gaze your list and grant you feedback on this site.  I looked through some of it and felt it's worth playing.  It is a cube I would appreciate the chance to play since it differs greatly enough from the few other cubes i've played.  Is there a date/time you wish to unveil the cube in person?


(6 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

Thanks, a cube is something I would have to play to voice proper feedback.


(0 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

If you are interested in playing in a Modern Masters 2 draft on Sunday June 7th in the afternoon please inform me somehow, either a pm, reply, or via message on deckbox.  The cost is $30.


(0 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

I am gathering information as to whether people (in general) are willing to pay for a $30 MM2 draft (in principle).  There is not  set time and date for a potential draft yet.  This is just to gauge whether there is sufficient interest or not.  Please post whether you are interested in one, in principle, and whether you know of others that would be willing to pay for a MM2 draft.

It is my opinion that the Dragonlord Atarka is SP/LP (same thing), a consensus it seems.


(8 replies, posted in Rochester NY MTG)

16500893 wrote:

I'm coming to this kind of late, and never having used Deckbox before, so apologies in advance. I'm a casual player, EDH is my favorite format, and I have a small playgroup of a couple of friends that gets together every few weeks. We're on a hiatus right now because one just had a baby, lol. Anyway, I'd be very interested in meeting some other friendly folks who also play casually. Anyone interested can get in touch with me at zwalker1@gmail.com

Keep an eye out on the Rochester NY Calendar page.  We will be posting events.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Good point. 40 card decks should be marked as drafted.

What of draft decks that utilize more than 40 cards?


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

1296228510 wrote:

If I am trying to communicate a dispute about receiving undeserved negative feedback, why does the other party get notified? it seems like it would further escalate an unnessecary argument

just wondering, sorry if i posted this in the wrong place

This is just what I would imagine:  Both parties would be in talks over the adjudicator of the negative dispute.  The other party being notified, in minimal, serves as a notice of events, that they will be contacted over the matter.  As far as the argument goes, it takes two to argue.  Don't join in.  Should the other half badger you don't respond.  The dispute is between you and the adjudicator now keep it that way after all that is why the negative feedback is being disputed in the first place.

anoda9 wrote:

Two feature requests/suggestions:
1. An easier/faster way to remove cards from your inventory or tradelist.

Currently you have to search for a card, then change its quanitity to 0. It would be better if there were a function similar to the import function, where you just type in the card's name, press enter, and it is removed from the list you are editing.

2. The ability to add cards directly to a trade that are not currently in your inventory. Currently if you want to do this, you have to add the card to your inventory, then go to the trade window and add it to the trade. It would be better if you could just do this in one step. Maybe there could be a checkbox next to the "card name (from the tradelist)" box that says "only search tradelist" that toggles whether you are only searching your tradelist (checked), or can import new cards directly into the trade (unchecked).

I agree with number 1 but disagree with number 2.  If it was just one step to add from inventory to a trade what the point is there for a tradelist.  Additionally it would get real real messy if everything kept being automated as if the computer knows what you want before you do it; that is just Isaac Asimov level though.  Number 2 may be cumbersome but it is a necessary step for the prevention of computer error.