I just wanted to thank you all for the great new update, trading opportunities fulfills really all that I could ask for!

These types of site users really give me a lot of headaches when trying to find trading opportunities, they end up making the site feel like a sea of spam where only a few users are actually active. I think a filter feature would be really helpful and if it was detailed enough it would really set this place apart from the other trading sites out there and should be looked into.

Imagine being able to sort users by number of cards in their wishlist that match your tradelist, tradelist cards that match their want list, filter out users who haven't been active in the last month or two, filter out local only users, or filter out users who have 0 cards in their tradelist or have cards only below certain values (users with only ~$3 cards are hard to find enough cards to warrent sending over mail). If I had these features available it would definitely really enhance and streamline my use of this already great web tool.

I have a few other random things, if you make me an offer on a Wasteland please account for the fact that I'm trading down heavily for the things on my wishlist (5+ cards for 1 is not good value).

Yeah, I have everything for MU Tron right now.

Send me a trade request and we can try to work something out!


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

"To start trading, add some cards to your Tradelist and Wishlist. You will then see a list of users you can trade with. When visiting their profile, you will be shown the cards that you can swap."

I'm having trouble how to find the list of users I can trade with. I'm assuming it means it can show me users that have compatible trades with me (cards on my tradelist are on their wishlist).