I too would like these added, so I can track which ones I've obtained smile.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I know a lot of people are here for deck-building, but I'm a collector and I think this has a lot of potential with a few minor tweaks to be really powerful for me and other collectors (and maybe help out other deck builders too).

I'm a programmer, so if the maintainers need any help, I'd be happy to help provide it - I've worked on similar apps in the past for my own personal use.

Here are some of my small thoughts:

1. It would be really nice to see the cards I'm missing from each edition, with the option to add them to my wish list.
2. A slightly faster importing method would be nice - I have over 10,000 cards and I don't really want to write out the full name of each one. What would be really nice is the ability to pick a set and just enter card numbers. What I used to do is something like *1x3 (which would be the first card of the set, foiled (the *), three copies of it [x3]). Something that allows really fast typed entry of foil and non-foil cards into a set, at a standard condition would be perfect.