(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So guys,

I haven't playtested this past 5 matches, against aggro and some legacy goblin beserker decks, but this is doing phenomenally well for me both in one-on-one and group matches.  I wanted to share the deck because while I know it can be perfected, I think I'm onto something really unique here.  Any advice or opinion is welcome:



(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So I just put this deck together:


I'm planning on adding 2 Boros Reckoners, but for the moment I think it's ok.  I'm looking to improve this and make a strong angel deck but I'm finding most of the angels have very high costs.  What type of strategy could I employ to get more land out earlier and make the angels effective?


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I've got a black/red/white vamp deck that has some similarities to this:


I'm finding success with the great combination of Vampire Nighthawk, Stromkirk Captain and Rakish Heir.  If I have a game where all three are out on the board, it becomes very difficult for my opponents to stop all three.  Not to mention if I happen to get the Boros Reckoner on the board.  My mana cap is also around 4-5, which is fantastic for getting things moving early on.


(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


Based off of a lot of good advice, this is the newest version of my Vamp deck.  I'm finding the addition of the Rakdos Cackler's and the Boros Reckoners actually did wonders for the deck.  I've played a few matches with Olivia Voldaren and one or two of the Reckoners out at once, turned them to vamps and watched the counters pile up quickly.  Vexing Devil in particular is a doozy of a card if I get it on the first draw as it really puts my opponents on their heels early.  Any suggestions are welcome.  This is still a standard deck geared towards FNM all the way, and it's always a work in progress. 

Side note:  I was advised against having so much varied land but the diversity of what I'm using works exceptionally well with the combination I have here thus far.  I've played against a lot of Aggro and not as much milling, but been successful nonetheless.

Nah just figured it might garner some new ideas.  Your suggestions were dynamite btw Ty.  Decided to add the Reckoner in here as well to spice things up, he's doing well for me so far.

I had some help with this deck, which is a still a work in progress, but it's pretty strong so far.  There will be some substitutions soon as a few more cards come in but check this out.  Out of 5 matches I'm 3/5 against some blue/black milling and a white/green extortion so far:



(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Figured I'd repost my first round of revisions.  I have a playset of Stromkirk Captains coming as well as some Stromkirk Nobles.  I've kept Vampire Nocturnus because despite the tradeoff of having my top card revealed the damage it's doing is very impressive.  The effects of the Rakish Heirs are quite something as well, since I'm very frequently having two or three out on the board at once, stacking the effects.  They really help my Vampire Nighthawk, especially around 4-6 drop.  I'm waiting for my Olivia Voldaren to come in the mail, which will be replacing the Nocturnus in all likelihood.  Still working on replacing those lands, but I'm finding on some rounds the Evolving Wilds are helping quite a bit when I've got 2-3 of one color and not enough of the other, but otherwise the deck is working well.  I threw in the Boros Reckoners to see what they'll do, and so far in 5 rounds they've come out twice, once getting destroyed with a Cancel instantly and another time getting buffed out as a blocker, which did a lot of damage to my opponents.  Planning on keeping the Reckoners in all likelihood just because I like the card so much.

Here are the revisions:



(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I had a thought about using curses to my advantage alongside the vamps.  I'm finding that in a few non-listed decks I have that are either black red or white red, Curse of the Pierced Heart does wonders.  I like your logic though.  I also hadn't considered that issue with Sorin about the splash of white.  You also bring up solid points regarding the Rakdos Cackler as having that in the deck with Unleash could really help me out.  I'll re-post the deck with some tweaking and let you know how it turns out!


(21 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

As I learn more I plan on using this resource to both give advice and get it, unfortunately in my case I just started playing a week and a half ago and don't have the experience yet to share knowledge.  You do bring up a good point though, Ty, as there should be some sort of guideline for someone's time.  Then again, this site is all voluntary, so that would be hard to implement.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Thanks for the response!

I have already made some purchases online to focus this as a vampire deck, modifications to follow, but here are my answers:

1 - Standard legal would be best
2 - Trying to compete in FNM more often
3 - No price limit, willing to build over time

I've got Stromkirk Nobles coming in the mail today, as well as a Sorin planeswalker to compliment things and Falkenrath Marauders as well.  My biggest issue seems to be I need more diversity in land, which I would assume would be Blood Crypt or Dragonskull Summit to supplant things.  I also like Cathedral of War and Hellion Crucible, although I'm not sure they're needed here.  I do know I'd like to integrate my Vexing Devils (2) into the deck on my next modification.  I totally agree with your idea to simplify the deck with one creature type, and toyed with the notion of adding a Stuffy Doll to boost some of the vampires like Havengul and Stromkirk Noble once I have it.  Obviously there are a few ways to do what I'd like to do here but I appreciate the input!  Any other suggestions are welcome.


(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Here's another deck I've put together, looking for some input to make it stronger:



(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hi guys,

This is my first deck and I'm looking to perfect it.  Granted, a lot of people seem to slant towards vampires but I figured with a creature type I could have a good basis to build off of.  Here's what I've got:


In a day or two I'll be substituting something in there for a Sorin planeswalker as well as a couple stab wounds and possibly a few more Curse of the Pierced Hearts.  Any suggestions to make the deck work better together?