
Let me know if you're interested even if you don't have something on my wishlist!

Those are some awesome cards you have there. I would recommend you lower your shipping rate as no one will pay 5 dollars. There are some useful links in the trading forum that can help you reduce your own costs when shipping.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sorry you are leaving us sad I can tell you that most people won't pay tcg mid prices though when they could just buy on tcg for low.

Hope all goes well for you!

I have 2 jace's for trade

Take a look at my tradelist and see if we can make a deal. Trying to build some feedback.

Opened a trade.

Opened a trade.

Are you still looking for academy rector?

Let's make a trade!

Looking to get into Modern. Check out my wishlist and see if we can work something out.