(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Any chance to get a MWS Import/Export feature? Their file format is text only and very close to your import list feature. For example:

// Deck file for Magic Workstation (http://www.magicworkstation.com)

// Lands
    10 [M10] Forest (3)
    5 [ALA] Mountain (3)
    5 [M10] Plains (2)
    4 [M10] Terramorphic Expanse

// Creatures
    4 [M10] Birds of Paradise
    4 [ALA] Wild Nacatl
    4 [ALA] Woolly Thoctar
    3 [ZEN] Rampaging Baloths
    1 [ZEN] Baloth Woodcrasher
    4 [CFX] Knight of the Reliquary
    4 [ARB] Bloodbraid Elf

// Spells
    2 [M10] Garruk Wildspeaker
    4 [M10] Lightning Bolt
    2 [ZEN] Harrow
    4 [ZEN] Khalni Heart Expedition

// Sideboard
SB: 2 [CFX] Path to Exile
SB: 2 [ZEN] Harrow
SB: 3 [ALA] Naturalize
SB: 2 [ALA] Oblivion Ring
SB: 4 [CFX] Volcanic Fallout
SB: 2 [ZEN] Journey to Nowhere

I use MWS a lot to play/construct decks and i think it's a popular app for MTG players.


Something like that, it's also related to the 2nd point, trade excess...being able to do these things for the entire list in one go. I know you could just develop this for one item and select multiples and do the eoperation for all but for larger lists it becomes a pain to check line by line inventory data against trade data, so just do all in a batch would help...The reason behind this is that i'm usualy lazy to do these things and i want to be done with them as soon as possible wink

Would be nice to have a synchronize feature for inventory and trade lists. So if i would update the inventory over time, i could just press synch and get my trade list updated.

Also when i add cards from inventory to trade, i do this one by one. I;d like to just add them all to trade and then go to trade and change the quantity by hand instead of adding them one by one from inventory...but this is just me smile

Why not enforce the check if you have enough cards in your inventory to add in trade, it's just a warning right now. Wouldnt make sense to add cards to trade without having them in inventory. This way you can just add them from inventory and wont need the add in the trades screen. But i guess there;s a reason behind this smile



(2 replies, posted in Announcements)


I know it's still under construction but if i go to my profile i only see me so there are two problems here:

1. Am i the only one who added a whish list by now? smile
2. What's the use to see me as a trading oportunity, somehow i never have the cards i need ! smile
