I've recently decided to take apart any constructed decks besides EDH decks and sell what I can or trade towards cards that I need. Take a look at my lists and hit me up with trades/offers. I am definitely open to selling cards for a reasonable price to people

I got a prerelease stamped Jace and I am looking for a pack foil Jace obviously willing to throw in something to make it worthwhile. I am also looking for a number of other foils for EDH. Take a look at my wishlist it is up to date!

My wishlist and tradelist are up to date and I need to get some new foils for EDH!

I also have sdcc flip walkers minus jace.

Title is a pretty good summary. Also have 2015 sdcc flip walkers minus jace.

Bump: added to wishlist

Hi, just looking for some big cards for EDH decks. Send me some trades!


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump, looking for Marchesa pieces.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Updated my wishlist


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I should also note I have a japanese survival of the fittest that I am trying to move.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am looking for 2 bobs, 3 blackcleave cliffs and a couple other lands as well as Marchesa EDH pieces and some other random cards. Hit me up!

Rainho1991 wrote:

I have a foreign Darien.

Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to find enough to justify shipping internationally

Bump, would love to finish off these decks.

Bump! Still looking for a lot of stuff

Hey all,

I am trying to build Darien and Azusa and have added a lot of needs to my wishlist. Check it out and start up some trades. For those that are interested the scalding tarns look like this: http://imgur.com/my7hmar

I have some very nice altered scalding tarns that I would love to put to a good home. http://imgur.com/JDOppsh

Check them out and shoot me any trades!

Just letting everyone know that he proposed a trade, I accepted and confirmed my address and he cancelled the trade without saying a word.


I am looking for foils and promos for my EDH deck. Also very interested in getting a plateau as its the last dual I am missing.

I also have a playset of scalding tarns that I'd be willing to part with that are altered http://imgur.com/a/aXtLf


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

It doesn't reference border altering anywhere. It just says that if there's paint going over the edge which would differentiate the card from any other card in the deck then that is a problem.

I'm not sure what kind of judges you play with but I have never had a problem playing with these. You can clearly see the unaltered portion of the card.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

shadowsmiles42 wrote:

Before you read what I copy pasta belprovide and strategic advantage.member that I have no real say in the value of the cards, just providing information.

"There are many alterations consisting of extending the card’s original art towards the edges; in those cards, the name, mana cost, original art, card type, and rules text are easily recognizable. For this type of alteration to be legal, the card must retain its original borders, either black or white. We wouldn't allow this example in tournaments since the alteration has covered the card’s original black border. If the card would have kept its original black border, it would be tournament legal."

I have never heard this before and I'm 99% sure that's not the rules any judge follows. http://blogs.magicjudges.org/rulestips/ … s-and-you/

Basically alters can't cover names, mana costs and can't provide any strategic advantage


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm not going to trade them below market value. It would really just depend on the cards that are offered in return


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm looking for someone who would be interested in a playset of altered tarns. I'd like to move them as a playset since they match.

Check em out here http://imgur.com/a/aXtLf

Looking for some foils and promos for my edh deck superfriends. I can trade all regulars back if need be.

Flooded Strand
Wooded Foothills
Marsh Flats
Bloodstained Mire
Windswept Heath

Walkers: (Still all foil)
Jace Beleren (book promo)
Dack Fayden
Elspeth Knight Errant (pack foil)
Tezzeret the seeker (pack foil)
Sorin Markov
Sorin lord of innistrad (pack foil)
Sarkhan Vol
Nicol Bolas (pack foil)
Jace Architecht of thought (pack foil)
Vraska (pack foil)
Venser sojourner (pack foil)
Garruk Primal Hunter

I am also very heavily looking for a revised Tundra

Foil Snaps
Foil spellskite
Foil Cryptic Commands (promo and mma)
Foil Clique
4x Altered Scalding Tarns (http://imgur.com/a/aXtLf)
Artist Signed Emrakul (http://imgur.com/a/OaCAU)
Full Art Lightning Bolts
Bobs (2 mma 1 rav)
Foil Remands (1 promo 1 pack foil)

Lets get trading!

I know some of you out there must have some interesting stuff!