Not really. I currently only need
1x Polukranos, World Eater
3x Stormbreath Dragon
2x Domri Rade
2x Ember Swallower
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by Leaite
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Not really. I currently only need
1x Polukranos, World Eater
3x Stormbreath Dragon
2x Domri Rade
2x Ember Swallower
The only times I get emails are when someone has done something directly involved in a trade of mine (ie sent, received, edited a trade. etc).
This is what I'm referring to. I generally have deckbox open while I work, or am able to check it on my mobile, so I'm not overly keen on having thirteen or fourteen emails when I get home for things I've already replied to.
Would adding an option for a daily digest be difficult? I've no idea what sort of coding goes into things like that, sadly, or I'd volunteer my assistance.
If you're interested in collections, feel free to take a look into my binder. I'd be happy to part with almost all of it, excluding a few of the currently legal cards.
I'd be interested in your Xenagos. Feel free to take a look through my binder, I guess?
The Voices really come down to what kind of Magic you're playing. I've noticed the automatic assumption is a T1 deck, where Voices are going to be a slower, worse option in an aggro build. If you're running T2/FNM/kitchen table, they're a solid choice.
Edit: I'd also see about finding another Temple Garden, though I'm sure you've already thought of that. If you're running white in any sort of aggro environment, Boros Reckoner deserves a look into. If you've got heavy green devotion, then Reverent Hunter may be an option. I've popped him out as a 9/9 for three mana before. Not something to ignore.
I checked under both "Settings" and "Edit Profile" and cannot find an email setting. I do not need an email every time someone breathes in my direction. Perhaps a daily digest, or the option to specify which emails to receive?
If I've missed this feature, please tell me. I'm more than happy to be wrong on this one!
What you're talking about determining has already been done. It's a mathematical algorithm, actually. Look up "box mapping" for more information. Individual packs at your LGS are truly random within the confines of computational allowance, and it's impossible to determine if a particular sleeve (pack cover) produces more rares or money cards.
Googling "box mapping" will give you all the relevant information, and probably make you leery of purchasing individual non-blister packs.
I see your thinking on that. I'll definitely make some room for them. Everyone loves hasty golems.
Would you suggest the activated ability as an option, or simply using the haste benefit? I'm leaning towards the latter, as the former seems to detract from other, more valuable, mana usage.
Added in those Firefist Strikers, and holy wow. Cascading two BTE's and then a FFS on turn two was fun, and actually really effective.
Thanks for the link, by the way.
Where can I find those results? I'm fairly new to competitive deckbuilding, and I'll mostly just be using this at FNM's.
How does replacing 3x Anger with 3x Reverent Hunter and 3x Magma Jet with 3x Chandra's Phoenix look? I'll figure out a way to make room for the lady of flame herself at some point, but those changes just sort of jumped out at me.
I have two Graves, interested?
Hey all. After receiving numerous suggestions and tips for my Gruul deck, I overhauled it. Now, I'm just looking for a bit of feedback on its newest incarnation.
The Creatures
4x Experiment One
4x Rakdos Cackler
Here we have the one-drop backbone for the deck. E1 gets pumped by every other creature in the deck, and Cackler is just all-around good.
This little guy is just all around great. Not too sure if I like him in here yet, but he's earned a spot so far.
4x Boon Satyr
3 for a flashy 4/2? Ok! 5 for a flashy +4/+2 that turns into a "free" creature? Even better!
It's Gruul aggro, so we HAVE to have a nice little bit of combat trickery going on. +4/+4 and trample in the middle of a fight or just a 4/4 trampler. Either an excellent 2-cost pump, or a solid backbone at the 4 slot.
Big finisher right here. I'm currently working on getting a pair, for now they're being replaced by Chaos Imps. I'm open to suggestions for other placeholders!
The Spells
4x Lightning Strike
3x Magma Jet
Just some removal/burn if needed. Magma Jet's Scry may come in useful for setting up Domri, but isn't a huge necessity.
Board cleaner, easy for me to recover from given that I can pump a lot of the creatures in this deck to the point of survival, or just toss out some cheap new ones.
The Domri
3x Domri Rade
I know, go to four of him. I want to, and I most likely will, but I'm working with a limited budget for the next month or two. Removal, card advantage and a potential win-con, all for 3 measly mana.
The Land
7x Forest
9x Mountain
2x Gruul Guildgate
4x Stomping Ground
What I'm looking for here are tips to fine-tune the deck. My sideboard has answers for the probable enchantments and control issues this deck will see, and the mainboard is basically just a good old-fashioned face beating. Like I said, I'm on a bit of a budget, but I will be able to pick up new cards relatively soon.
I'm not keen on Xenagos, the Reveler as I believe he's overrated in aggro. Popping out tokens every turn just doesn't benefit this deck very much, and there's really nothing to ramp up to except the Stormbreaths.
Are you still looking for the chained to the rocks? I've got 2
I've actually not been interested in those. The list above is all I'm really looking for right now.
View -> Export
Options directly above your cardlist on the right hand side.
If you're saying you'd like to know when a card is foil, you can select that when adding cards to your inventory, tradelist, and wishlist, by selecting the gear next to the language, set, and condition options. It opens a drop down menu allowing you to select Foil, Promo, Textless and a few other options.
Hi there! I've managed to negotiate a few trades from just browsing about, but hopefully posting here will get me more of what I need.
Wants that I'm offering double value on:
2x Anger of the Gods
3x Boon Satyr
3x Lightning Strike
1x Mistcutter Hydra
4x Reverent Hunter
1x Savage Summoning
2x Sylvan Caryatid
1x Temple of Abandon
Wants I'm offering normal or slight over-pay on:
3x Scavenging Ooze
1x Stomping Ground
2x Domri Rade
In addition, I'm trying to build a collection of one of every hydra printed, in foil when possible. I'm also open to looking through your binder if I've got anything you'd like.
They start you off with a sizable collection, but no, you can't import your own cards.
For something like that, I'm not sure what you'd be looking for.
As far as local players, heading down to your LGS (local game shop) like HobbyTown USA is the quickest way to meet players and learn the ropes of the current formats.
That wholly depends on what you're looking to play. If you want to play Standard, the tournament format, U/G is a bit behind at the moment. With the recent release of Theros, aggro decks, mostly mono-red and R/G, are in the lead until control and midrange stabilize within a couple weeks.
If you're looking to play casually, any deck is a viable option.
As for software, Magic Online is only $10 and provides a perfect way to play against other folks in a variety of formats. As far as a card library goes, Wizards' own Gatherer database has every single card along with rulings.
Just from personal experience, I've found that running 1-ofs is a bit pointless. The odds that you'll get it when you need it are ridiculously slim. If a card is important enough to include, you'll probably wanna run at LEAST 2, more than likely 3. And for staples, you'll want to go for the full playset.
Also, your curve has room for a good finisher. Chaos Imps or Stormbreath Dragon are suggestions that I've received. With the sheer amount of spells you'll be playing, Guttersnipe looks good, and Purphoros, God of the Forge can really put some pain on the opponent with your token generation.
4x Domri is great, and I'm more than fine with the price for the sheer value. Plus, monetarily speaking, Domri's gonna be one of the walkers who holds value over time.
Mechanically speaking, Domri is one of the best sources of removal in the game, and an early-game Domri can get going, the ultimate is pretty beautiful. That said, even the +1 is great in terms of sheer card advantage. Combine that with the little bit of scry present, and it's a winning combination.
I've been looking at Firefist for a while, actually.
As for Firedrinker, I've been debating the same point back and forth with some friends. We've playtested, and Experiment definitely comes out on top. I know it's rotating, but I got pinged with a Blasphemous Act with two of them on the field. Ow. Not something I want to see happen again, especially with Anger of the gods looking like it's going to be the go-to for red wiping at this point.
I've exchanged them for Experiment One.
I dropped one Stormbreath Dragon.
I also fiddled with the instant/sorcery/enchantment list, taking the advice on the Scry factor.
And yeah, you kept me out of the dark and sane.
With the suggestions presented here and elsewhere, I've reworked the deck into a more aggro-themed version. So, for your consideration, Wild Abandon - Aggro Edition.
My only concern with the new list is my curve-topping Stormbreath Dragon. Currently, for all three, it'll run me $75. I'm positive that there's a decent alternative out there that won't cost a month's worth of light and internet.
Howdy. This is my first foray into finding critiques for my decks, and I'm expecting to learn a lot.
Below, we have my first attempt at a competitive deck in several years. I most recently played mono-black vampires in Zendikar, so I've been out for a while. Theros looks really nice, and with the RtR block, I decided to jump back in with some good old fashioned Gruul smackdown.
Here we have a solid Gruul aggro build, replete with pump.
The sideboard contains answers to a lot of the prevalent and expected threats in my local meta.
I'd appreciate suggestions and constructive criticism. I expect to change this deck quite a bit over the coming weeks, as I get back into the swing of things. I'm not on any particular budget, but I won't be dropping $400 all at once. Slow and steady and all that jazz.
See below for up-to-date changes.
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by Leaite