Ok, as per guidelines

  • Play level - Casual
    Modern format
    Opinion - How can I make this better

Deck: https://deckbox.org/sets/866587

What are the win conditions of the deck?  Or, in other words, how do you envision the deck winning games?
Theoretically, I can stall into a longer game and get out Vengeful Archon or Attach Armored Ascension to swing for the win.

If you were to imagine an ideal 4-5 turns, how do you envision them playing out?

Turn 1: Plains - Doomed Traveler
Turn 2: Plains - Wall of Omens, draw card
Turn 3: Plains - Mentor of the Meek
Turn 4: Plains - Suture Priest - Draw card (via Mentor of the Meek)
Turn 5: Plains - Blinking Spirit - Draw card (via Mentor of the Meek)

If I ever fall behind with land I have Gift of Estates to pull land into my hand, and I hope to abuse card draw with Mentor of the Meek, Wall of Omens, Emeria The Sky Ruin, etc. or some combo thereof.  By turn 7 I hope to have drawn enough cards from my library to have a Vengeful Archon in my hand and out on the battlefield.  If not I've got Armored Ascension to boost my weenies.

I want to keep this deck mono white.

As far as budget I want to do this on the cheap, so let's say $15 - $20.

** Disclaimer: I'm not the strongest player so I may ask some painfully obvious questions.

I was browsing cards at random the other day and thought of this.  I'd have to say that I'm torn between the Kamigawa/Three Kingdoms for the flavor.  I've always been a fan of Chinese/Japanese history/lore.

AND ...

Shadowmoor/Lorwyn for the functionality.  I'm a big fan of the / mana.  Probably because I always find a way to mana screw myself in some way or another.


Here is the deck: http://deckbox.org/sets/512656

I know this deck needs some improvement.  I'm just not sure where.

Basic idea behind the deck is pretty straightforward, kick off the landfall abilities and overrun an opponent.

Kyremi wrote:

This deck to me seemed like a 'fling instants and sorceries at opponent until dead' kind of deck. Some of the reds I have are pretty good at gaining control of enemy creatures (at least I think that's what they do, like Act of Treason?). To support that I tried to include as many 'draw a card' cards as possible (the reason for the Opal gatekeepers, at least), as well as Divination and Opportunity. The creatures that worked best with sorceries/instants (at least in my mind) were Goblin Electromancer, Guttersnipe, Nivix Cyclops, Archaeomancer and Fluxcharger, so I definitely wanted those.

Regarding the Steam Vent card, I wish I had that but I was not lucky enough to draw it. I did get Temple Garden and Blood Crypt though... maybe I should try a deck along those lines? I do seem to have a few red/black cards which might not be bad, like Master of Cruelties...

I'd say you want to go for speed then, because I doubt you'd be able to survive a very long game.  I looked through some of your cards and one of the biggest issues I see in the deck is you don't really have 4 of anything.  If you're open to trading try to get 4 of cards that you like (Goblin Electromancer and Guttersnipe are going to do you a world of good). 

The way this deck is currently your gatekeepers added abilities are never going to kick off.  You only have two gates, so you're going to have to get both of those out, and then a gatekeeper.  If it did happen, and it hardly ever will, it'd probably be to late in the game for it to do you much good.

You may want to look at dropping the gates too.  They come into play tapped which is going to slow you down.  You will lose some mana fixing but the trade off in time is going to be worth it, I think.  I did notice you have 2 Shock in your collection.  Those would work nicely.

Scrying seems to be a pretty popular mechanic in the new set as well.  That'll help you manipulate your deck.  So Magma Jet is one I'd mention as well as Lightning Bolt, or any other cheap spell for that matter.  One of my favorite spells is Browbeat.  A creature card I saw that would probably work is Lobber Crew.

Just throwing in my 2 cents, take it with a grain of salt, have fun tweaking your deck and playing it!

Welcome to the game!  In your mind, how do you plan on winning with this deck?  What tempo do you want to set with it?

For example do you plan on punching your opponent in the mouth right out of the gate and killing them as quick as possible (aggro is what this is called I believe) or do you have a slower strategy in mind?

I've got one deck where if I'm not swinging for 4 or 5+ by turn 3 my odds of winning are terrible.  I've also got a deck where it would be a big surprise if I've swung for anything before turn 6 and I've got great odds of winning if I've lasted that long.

So, figure out how you want to win and the tempo you want to set and it'll make fine tuning your deck a lot easier.

What are you wanting your deck to do?

I mean I know you want to beat his deck, but how exactly are you trying to win with your deck?


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

What do you think about replacing Blood Moon with Browbeat?

For some reason I don't think Blood Moon really fits.  Your deck seems to be really aggressive, except for Blood Moon.  Of course I'm not an expert player by any means, so I could be missing something.

Browbeat seems to fit nice though.  Either they take 5 which is huge, or you draw three and turn around and nuke them for five anyway.

Thanks guys!

I looked for this and couldn't find it.

Sorry if this has already been asked.  Thanks for your help!