OK, after using this site for a day, and getting familiar with the basics, I thought I'd leave my feedback all together...
1) I LOVE being able to view a user and see what cards of mine they want, and which cards of theirs I want. Should make it a lot easier to do trades. This is what I've been looking for in an online MTG site, and why I want to stick around. 
2) The indicators in a decklist showing which cards I don't have is nice. Even better might be one to show I don't even have the card, and another to show I don't have enough.
1) I would like to see the individual card pages show my own info, and let me even edit it. When I view the page for a card, I want it to show my inventory/tradelist/wishlist counts, and even let me change them from there. It might also be nice to list the decks of mine that card is in.
2) Instant-add all cards from a deck into my wishlist. Perhaps I've copied a deck from someone else, or entered my own - and if I don't have all the cards for that deck, it would be great to be able to click once and add them to the wishlist instead of having to do it manually.
3) Card color indications on lists. Not all lists even show casting costs on them, and even when they do, it's still not quick to see what color a card is. I'd love there to be some means to determine the color of a card at a glance - whether it's the card name itself being in the card's color, some sort of background color, an extra column that has a quite distinct color icon. Just feels like something is needed there.
4) Easier page navigation for large lists. My collection is 111 pages at this point. The filters are great, but it would be nice to have a quick means to, say, go to the cards that start with "T" in the full list.
5) Some sort of combined inventory-tradelist-wishlist view, perhaps.
6) Better handling of "unusual" card formats - for example, the B.F.M. from Unglued is two cards, and treated like one here. And the split cards such as "Stand/Deliver" aren't handled well either.
7) Might be fun to have the profile page have a separate section for "recent changes" in regards to trade opportunities. I'd like to have something to draw my attention specifically if, say, someone just recently added a Sensei's Divining Top to their tradelist, instead of having to go and either look at everyone on my trade opportunity list, or select that specific card from my wishlist.
Edit: 8) Improve handling of "extended" characters in card names. Such as AEther being able to be entered with AE instead of requiring Æ. Or the fact that it appears the card image can't be shown for Ghazban Ogre.