(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

ToraTora wrote:

I can update mine (https://github.com/T0RAT0RA/deckbox-api) if you need it.

If you've got the time, that'd be awesome. big_smile


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'm currently uploading my collection to deckbox, and once I'm done I'll want to access it. On desktop, pretty easy, go to the site and find info. However if I'm not at my desk, I have to use a mobile interface to find any relevant info, and given mobile keyboards and long Magic card names, that's always going to suck. Hence I'm hoping the devs here will bless us with a proper API (there are 3rd party ones like https://github.com/jcavanagh/deckbox-rest-api and https://github.com/T0RAT0RA/deckbox-api but they haven't updated for 6 and 4 years respectively...) so I can add things like Siri/Google Assistant integration for superbly easy access to card data.

Been scanning cards with the TCGPlayer app (which is the replacement for Scryglass), its CSV export consists of the following columns: Count, Name, Edition, Card Number, Set Code. When I attempt to import this into deckbox, it fails, telling me that some of my cards (tokens like 'Bird Token') have invalid names, but also that some versions (like 'Modern Masters 2017') aren't known either. Furthermore, it doesn't know the 'Set Code' column, which would help it import things properly.

What can I do to make it import properly? I want to use Deckbox to manage my collection but I have to be able to import my cards too...

I just played this exact deck for the first time today, and it is really quite fun. The game-breaker today was sticking a Remand onto an Isochron Sceptre, which until I discovered that was considering dropping (the sceptre, not Remand). Nothing like being able to constantly deny someone's action AND draw a card AND trigger Guttersnipe at the same time (since the Sceptre triggers the Instant therefore Guttersnipe). I had one game where I lucked out and got two sets of Isochron Remands, and the opponents weren't happy tongue

Thinking of ditching the Leylines though, as funky as they are they never really came into play. Being able to flash in lands is cool, but not really necessary? Unless I'm missing something?

So I got my hands on a few good new cards for my Izzet deck, and I'm attempting to improve it over my old version. Without further ado, http://deckbox.org/sets/675243
The Remands and Electrolyzes are particularly useful since they'll help me not to run out of cards, Hidden Strings + Guttersnipe is an amazing combo and Goblin Electromancers will keep mana costs down. Leylines will help me bring out creatures as a fun surprise. The Sceptre should allow me to keep casting something like Burn (from Turn//Burn) ad infinitum, if I get lucky. I also improved my mana base with Steam Vents and Sulfur Falls.

TyWooOneTime wrote:
Kyremi wrote:

Yeah, I tend to just include 1 of what I like... I'd like to make this as good a deck as possible, regardless of where I'd play it. Also, the only cards of what you suggested that I own are 3x Voyage's End and one Mizzium Mortars, no others. I'd want to make the deck from cards I have already...

Please don't take any offense, but if you prefer to just run 1x of cards, I would suggest not taking the deck to an FNM.  The reason why most decks have 3-4x of most cards is because it increases the consistency of the deck's performance - as you're more likely to draw the cards you really want to see.

I would suggest putting those four cards into the deck and trying to up the counts of the cards that are essential to your strategy.  Then identify the few pieces you really want to pick up for the deck, as you have some pretty good trade pieces to move in order to get the cards you'd want.

Oh I totally understand that, no worries; just that I'm limited by the cards I own, that's all... I don't prefer 1x of cards, but I have a really hard time choosing between cards, which is why I asked for help here.

Luckily I have 4+ Guttersnipes and Electromancers, I'd probably want 4 of those. My strategy really is to smack down as much damage with as many spells as soon as I can, which those two really help with.

Yeah, I tend to just include 1 of what I like... I'd like to make this as good a deck as possible, regardless of where I'd play it. Also, the only cards of what you suggested that I own are 3x Voyage's End and one Mizzium Mortars, no others. I'd want to make the deck from cards I have already...

I acquired a RtR booster box and it had some great cards for my Izzet deck, so I'm trying to re-think it now (http://deckbox.org/sets/510702). I've added a bunch of awesome cards, taken out a few I didn't ever use a lot or didn't fit in with instants/sorceries (sorry, Molten Primordial), and included an extra Armed//Dangerous, since that combined with a Fluxcharger suddenly makes it bloody awesome. I also traded for two Spellheart Chimeras (finally). But now with 67 cards, I'm not sure which 7 to get rid of, because they all look so good together. Argh.

lago wrote:
Kyremi wrote:

This deck to me seemed like a 'fling instants and sorceries at opponent until dead' kind of deck. Some of the reds I have are pretty good at gaining control of enemy creatures (at least I think that's what they do, like Act of Treason?). To support that I tried to include as many 'draw a card' cards as possible (the reason for the Opal gatekeepers, at least), as well as Divination and Opportunity. The creatures that worked best with sorceries/instants (at least in my mind) were Goblin Electromancer, Guttersnipe, Nivix Cyclops, Archaeomancer and Fluxcharger, so I definitely wanted those.

Regarding the Steam Vent card, I wish I had that but I was not lucky enough to draw it. I did get Temple Garden and Blood Crypt though... maybe I should try a deck along those lines? I do seem to have a few red/black cards which might not be bad, like Master of Cruelties...

I'd say you want to go for speed then, because I doubt you'd be able to survive a very long game.  I looked through some of your cards and one of the biggest issues I see in the deck is you don't really have 4 of anything.  If you're open to trading try to get 4 of cards that you like (Goblin Electromancer and Guttersnipe are going to do you a world of good). 

The way this deck is currently your gatekeepers added abilities are never going to kick off.  You only have two gates, so you're going to have to get both of those out, and then a gatekeeper.  If it did happen, and it hardly ever will, it'd probably be to late in the game for it to do you much good.

You may want to look at dropping the gates too.  They come into play tapped which is going to slow you down.  You will lose some mana fixing but the trade off in time is going to be worth it, I think.  I did notice you have 2 Shock in your collection.  Those would work nicely.

Scrying seems to be a pretty popular mechanic in the new set as well.  That'll help you manipulate your deck.  So Magma Jet is one I'd mention as well as Lightning Bolt, or any other cheap spell for that matter.  One of my favorite spells is Browbeat.  A creature card I saw that would probably work is Lobber Crew.

Just throwing in my 2 cents, take it with a grain of salt, have fun tweaking your deck and playing it!

I'd love to get 4 of those that you mentioned, but I don't know any good Canadian single-card selling websites. I removed a few things you mentioned from my deck (including Aetherling, because despite being awesome he doesn't quite fit the deck as far as I could see?) but I'm still 13 over, and I don't know what else to cut...

elpablo wrote:

Use deck box and try to trade for cards to make your deck better.  You have a few things worth trading.

What's 'deck box' in this context? And what should I be aiming to trade for?

TRZ wrote:

Where abouts in canada are you? Im in toronto and I've rarely seen a box go for over $100 if its still in standard. I know a couple stores that will ship anywhere in canada for cheap as well.

I'm in Alberta. I tried ordering the booster boxes from amazon.com but they wouldn't ship to me, and the equivalent price on amazon.ca was 40/50 dollars higher, which makes no sense to me... it's like a tax for living in Canada.

lago wrote:

Welcome to the game!  In your mind, how do you plan on winning with this deck?  What tempo do you want to set with it?

For example do you plan on punching your opponent in the mouth right out of the gate and killing them as quick as possible (aggro is what this is called I believe) or do you have a slower strategy in mind?

I've got one deck where if I'm not swinging for 4 or 5+ by turn 3 my odds of winning are terrible.  I've also got a deck where it would be a big surprise if I've swung for anything before turn 6 and I've got great odds of winning if I've lasted that long.

So, figure out how you want to win and the tempo you want to set and it'll make fine tuning your deck a lot easier.

This deck to me seemed like a 'fling instants and sorceries at opponent until dead' kind of deck. Some of the reds I have are pretty good at gaining control of enemy creatures (at least I think that's what they do, like Act of Treason?). To support that I tried to include as many 'draw a card' cards as possible (the reason for the Opal gatekeepers, at least), as well as Divination and Opportunity. The creatures that worked best with sorceries/instants (at least in my mind) were Goblin Electromancer, Guttersnipe, Nivix Cyclops, Archaeomancer and Fluxcharger, so I definitely wanted those.

Regarding the Steam Vent card, I wish I had that but I was not lucky enough to draw it. I did get Temple Garden and Blood Crypt though... maybe I should try a deck along those lines? I do seem to have a few red/black cards which might not be bad, like Master of Cruelties...

So, I've just started getting into MtG, so I'm a bit of a newbie to this. I have (so far) got a Dragon's Maze booster pack and a 2014 Deck Builder's Toolkit for cards, with all of them listed on my profile http://deckbox.org/sets/506835?s=j&o=d. The reason for Dragon's Maze was a friend had an unopened box, sold it to me for $100, when here in Canada it's usually around $140... I realise now Dragon's Maze isn't the best collection. I did however get a Ral Zarek there, so that's pretty much my main reason to be building a red/blue deck. I also found a ton of sorcery/instant cards, so I've been including lots of those. Therefore, http://deckbox.org/sets/506894 is what I have so far, but I'm still trying to get under 70 cards. Not sure how many lands to include, for one, and the fuse sorceries/instants are being miscounted by the system (e.g. Turn // Burn is listed as a 2U, where it should be a 2R as well...).

I have no idea if this deck will be any good when done, either. If by looking at my card list, it's obvious I have the cards to make another better deck of a completely different mana base, I would gladly switch to that...