Hey guys, I've been away for awhile when my inventory was out of sync. Now finally it's back online so come check it out again! big_smile

The new standard is quickly approaching so I am willing to trade into any extra standard cards you have laying around. I am only looking for the cards on my wishlist. The higher the # wants the more likely I will trade more for them.

Now open for trades!


Hey guys, I've been away for awhile when my inventory was out of sync. Now finally it's back online so come check it out again! big_smile

The new standard is quickly approaching so I am willing to trade into any extra standard cards you have laying around. I am only looking for the cards on my wishlist. The higher the # wants the more likely I will trade more for them.

Now open for trades!


I'll pay $1.50 ea for either of those. The more the better.

Get me on twitter @power9co


I've got 1 pack fresh.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I've got a lot of them, do you help cover shipping?

I'm back again! Had a mini vacation. Sorry to all those that proposed and then canceled trades during my absence.

Now looking exclusively for Nykthos, Shocks and Temples right now, foils are a bonus.


That is correct sir. I don't need to see trades for those I can't trade with.

Infact this whole option should be expanded, I want to see a whole list of what other people just posted for trade. show me all the past 2 weeks worth of the cards that I want posted by other people.

Thank you

The  Interesting Cards For Trade on the front page of our member profile shows out of country info.

For me it shows Canada and other traders. I only ship in US but see other traders.

Thank you.


bump. I love lands!

As it says, want Shocks and Temples! If foils even better, get me all you got!

I got surgical ex whichever variety you want, reg, foil, promo

let me know!

I've got gris and lili will trade from inventory

We traded already before so let me know!. Would like Abrupt Decay and shocklands.


We're giving away a Thoughtseize to a lucky winner!

Facebook Only giveaway! (normally we do Twitter)

Look for the Pinned post on our Fan page! on how to enter.

>> http://facebook.com/power9co

Winner picked at random on Saturday!



Sorry not enough that I see I would want right now.



yeah this happens to me too. The list seems to revert to the default settings vs what is picked in our actual setting. not a huge problem but a behavior bug for sure.

I like it.... maybe the better question to ask is, what plug-in does he use? could there be a programmatic way around it.

kind regards


(19 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I've got lots of bulk avg about .25 a piece. You buy them outright or would trade for them?

Also I suggest improving your trade score, you might get better response.

edit: I've also got tons more bulk other than what I've got listed.

kind regards

Looking for these. Only if you have 3 or more to send at once.

- Hero's Downfall (x4)
- Desecration Demon (x4)

Have a big trade list.


I believe I have all of those.

You have any shocklands?

jkarls12 wrote:

I still have a couple Spanish boxes if anyone is interested

I would be. how much?

I like the option to amend the title to say, 'pending address' if they have to put address .. 'sending 1st' if they send 1st, "ready to ship" if I and/or them ready to ship.

That's how I'm using it. Although I like the idea, look forward to how it changes.

kind regards!

Title says it all.  $2 Us shipping. $6 Canada, $8 everywhere else.


Some new wishes I want.

Pack Rat
Desecration Demon
Hero's Downfall.

Now trading for them.


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

I just have to say Keep It Up guys! I didn't notice before how reactive you are. I love to see the progress of changes. Just keep rolling on.

Also I have a seller account, haven't sold anything yet, but I have bought a few items! 2/3 have shipped right away. Do you plan to make a feedback system?

Also I would LOVE a direct shortlink to my "store" listing all the cards. The one thing TCG hasn't done ( dumbly ) is make it how users can browse a particular seller. -- I don't know what they are thinking, honestly.
