Looking for a sword of war and peace as well as a sword of fire and ice, have things like an italian hazezon tamar, rofellos, japanese garruk and more, send me a trade smile

Italian is okay. Take a look at my trade list and see if you find enough value smile

Really need a Hazezon Tamar, I have lots of standard stuff and some non standard, I dont care the condition of it. Will add large value on my side.

My Trostani looks awesome, cheap and easy, would recommend!

What would be the price if I sent you my trostani to alter? I have cards I'm willing to trade, just wondering what the going rate is? Im from alberta if that matters. smile

Interested in 3 thoughtsiezes and 2 d-falls, dont have that much for trade and its all standard since
i just recently started, but feel free to look at my list