3 IKO double sided tokens that I own and didn't see mentioned above.

Dinosaur Beast #11 // Human Soldier #5
Dinosaur #8 // Human Soldier #3
Dinosaur #8 // Human Soldier #5

Thanks for your work!

Darth_Venome wrote:
freshluggage wrote:

It would be nice to have the card information back on card pages (oracle text, etc...). Helps a lot with older cards who's text have changed and/or are really hard to read from the image.
example: http://deckbox.org/mtg/Tawnos%27s%20Cof … collection
I'm assuming the card info was removed so the page could work as the new card pop-up, but maybe the pop-up and the full page could just be different. The tabs and drop-down boxes are good for the pop-up, but I think the full page would be better just having all the info displayed (no tabs, no drop-downs).

Having the permanent card search box on the card page would be nice too. The Ctrk-I feature seems great on pages that normally don't have search, but adds a keystroke in this case. It's also pretty tough to Ctrl-I on mobile. Drop downs, tabs, pop-ups, etc are all pretty difficult on a mobile phone. So having all the info just laid out straight on the full card page would help that as well.

Why was Ctrl+I introduced at the cost of eliminating the permanent search box? It seems counter-intuitive to me to move card information to multiple tabs instead of one central landing page.

The highlighted seems to be one of the biggest issues with the recent change.

You know how Gmail and Yahoo have different viewing of your inbox, like the 'old version' and a more streamlined version, is there anyway to have this option in your settings, perhaps to appease more users? We all understand you can't make everyone happy but I think doing something like this would be beneficial at least, 1 version pre Sunday's update, 1 version of the new. My 2cp


sebi wrote:
Zarasiss wrote:

Bring this back please, I wake up to go put in some more JOU cards and find this atrocity. I appreciate the deckbox updates, but changing something that isn't broke seems like poor planning.

Tone down the aggresivity please, let's keep the conversation civilized smile

Changing things that work is not a bad thing regardless of that expression, it's the only way to evolve in a better product. Look at nature tongue

Back to the topic at hand, it seems people liked the quick find input to always be present in the card database area. I will add it back, although pherhaps smaller, on the title bar, would still work, and save some space.

My apologies, my post was pretty aggressive and I am sorry for that. I thank you for adding the quick search back to the card database, that is a huge plus. And I was just frustrated at the new search at first due to some bugs being present. You guys did a good job at fixing them in a timely manner, my biggest complaint was the fact the inventory count wasn't updating, which it does now so Kudos to your team. Although now, I am not sure if this is intentional, when you apply the inventory changes, the wishlist/deck counts below your inventory count disappears, it doesn't seem like something that you'd want to happen.

Since you mentioned about space, I appreciate the idea of trying to make Deckbox more streamline, but for my personal uses, and perhaps many more users, functionality is the highest importance. And it is a little frustrating, (when I potentially look at dozens of cards one after another), in the inventory, when you click on a specific card, you have to scroll through this massive wall of text that you may or may not want to see of people selling that particular card. Is there any way to make it at hideable, (the section above the breakdown of your inventory/wishlist for that card). If you could minimize/hide, that'd be better then nothing, but moving it below would be even better.



(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

When viewing cards through the MTG Card Database, you added a little arrow drop down on the left of each card name but this is not available when in your inventory. You guys are trying to make Deckbox more fluid and user friendly and it has come a long way, I see adding this nifty feature over to the inventory view as a benefit.


dragonsfurygames wrote:

Here is my step by step of the old method.

mouse over Card Database

click Magic the Gathering

Input my search item into the search box (no longer there). The page opens.

Edit my card stock.

Search the new card in the search bar at the top of the window.

Input, search, input, search...

Bring this back please, I wake up to go put in some more JOU cards and find this atrocity. I appreciate the deckbox updates, but changing something that isn't broke seems like poor planning. PLEASE bring back to the way it was, or make it an option to this new method or not.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Untapped is simply describing the state of a permanent on the battlefield. Yes when a card comes into play it will be in the "untapped" state unless otherwise stated on the card. For example, many dual lands come into played "tapped".

Anyone know how far in advance they announce prerelease locations in each region? And I'm not talking of local shop events, usually there are big convention type prereleases. Just not sure if Wizards organizes that or what.

Thanks for any info


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Ah, interested to know. Assuming they are pretty rare then, I have one though.



(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I notice some cards don't have prices for a foil, Glimpse the Unthinkable being one of them, is there a reason?


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Simply curious what is the norm eta for new card sets to be added to deckbox? I'm only asking because I've been using deckbox since mid February and have no experience with a new set coming out thus far while using the site, so no idea how long it takes.



(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yes that was very helpful, especially your 2nd example, I didn't realize you could decide what order things like that go on the stack, very interesting combo there.


(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hey all, looking for some ideas on what to add/swap out for a card that gives a field bonus of +1/+1 counter.

Have had a lot of success with this deck so far, it seems to have a pretty well rounded populate ability but I was trying to incorporate some way to give my creatures +1 counters to use with contagion clasp/engine and the Renegade Krasis combo. As it stands with the exception of 1 or 2 other cards, Myojin is the only thing that my Clasp/Engine benefit. So does anyone have any ideas?


Forgot to post my deck link lol -- http://deckbox.org/sets/618551


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thanks, yes that does help.


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Not to sound stupid but looking for some clarity here. I have Glorious Anthem in my control so all my creatures have +1/+1.

Two rule questions

1. Would I be able to proliferate the +1/+1 with Contagion Clasp/Contagion Engine

2. If I have Renegade Krasis on the battlefield, when he evolves any creature with a +1 counter can receive another. If the +1 they initially have is from Glorious Anthem, would Krasis' effect trigger on those creatures?

Hope all that made sense. I'm only asking because Glorious Anthem's rule text doesn't specify "+1/+1 counter"

Thanks for any help.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Not sure if this is a new idea for the website, but I think it would be kool to see how many views your deck has had by other users, just a simple counter. And when searching through All Decks, have a column with views? It would kind of promote a popularity filter, over time people would be able to filter a column to see which decks have had the most views etc. Ultimately a "want" rather than a need idea but with a purpose behind it.



(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I know it is a known issue but is there any update on the fix for this, to show what format your deck is?


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I agree with this agree, I've thought of this to cause there is a way to see what cards your missing but only if you copy the deck to your profile and then go back to your profile, look at it etc. meanwhile leaving the deck lists, lose your place of what you were browsing, have to put in filters all over again etc lol.

Long story short +1, esp. like the idea of being able to filter others decks by cards you have/missing in another column.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I have a Vizzerdrix but the set/image(s) available to on the site doesn't match at all. Did some research and this version predates Sixth Edition due to it not having a set symbol but it has the same image, artist, and flavor text as the starter 1999 set. Can't find any information on Vizzerdrix to see which set it came from though.



(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Bloodscale Prowler from Guildpact is marked as uncommon in the database, it is actually common.

Disregard... was my mistake.