(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I find it very useful to have the Edition column on all the time, but every time I change to a different deck and back, it disappears.

It looks like this affects changing any columns at all.

Thanks for the additions and the continued work on the site Sebi -- you rock!

Great site! Best there is in my opinion. I have four suggestions for feature requests:

1. Often when building a deck, cards are put in and taken out, then put back in, etc. I would like an additional area (maybe in a card name only list on the right in a column, or below sideboard) that I can send cards to, that stays with each deck. Call it a "Workbench" or something like that. It can be optional. Let me use the red arrow to send cards to and from it. This would let us keep potential alternate cards and other cards to include in the deck right on the same page.

2. Right now, I use the sideboard like I would use a "workbench" area. I would like to be able to exclude the sideboard/workbench from the total cost of the deck. It would also be nice to exclude basic lands or common cards. For decks where you don't own all the cards already, you could show "Total Deck Cost:$500/Remaining Cost:$100" for example if it would cost $100 more to build the deck.

3. Mobile site optimizations. It's handy to view on my phone when at a store or playing, but it's often cumbersome to use the traditional webpage. One feature other than a mobile rewrite would be an icon next to the card name to click, to show the popup card (since there is no mouseover on a smartphone).

4. A link to the official gatherer rulings/discussion for each card would be useful. See magiccards.info for an example.