Does the term "Leaves Play" mean that they can sacrifice a Dwarf unit and use the action from the legend card?
1 2011-12-27 22:59:11
Topic: What is the definition of "leaves play" (1 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
2 2011-12-27 22:32:15
Re: Bloodletter Damage (3 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
so your comment about "not only in combat" makes me question something else. Does this also apply to tactic or actions? Does it also apply to any damage even if bloodletter is not in play?
3 2011-12-26 20:02:41
Topic: Bloodletter Damage (3 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
Does the text for the Bloodletter card apply to all damage issued during combat? Or does it apply to both attacking and defending units?
4 2011-04-25 21:36:45
Re: Slave Pen (sacrificing unit ruling) (13 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
This is still being disputed and causing tension. Anyone have some sort of Warhammer Invasion rulebook page number or additional documentation that would specify this ruling?
Please help.
5 2011-04-25 21:33:27
Topic: Doomsayer of Morr vs Slave Pen (4 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
Scenario: a person has a Doomsayer of Morr "When an opponent's unit is destroyed, draw a card" and the other player has Slave Pen "Sacrifice a unit to put a resource token on this card".
Debated already on the assigned damage to a unit that can then be sacrificed per Slave Pen, but the damage just disappears and is not redirected to a card that is still in play.
Anyway, since the Doomsayer card describes the action of "destroyed" do they still get to draw a card if I choose to "sacrifice" it instead?
6 2011-04-25 21:05:55
Topic: Zero shield units (1 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
Cold One Chariot has "X" for a shield where "X" equals the number of developments. If someone were to play this card in a zone with no developments then the shield would be zero. Does that card get destroyed at that time? Same with cards that deal a -1 hit point to a unit. If this -1 is applied to a unit with a shield of 1 then that card is destroyed at that time correct?
7 2011-04-25 21:00:49
Topic: Attachment Rule (2 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
If a unit has an attachment and someone play's the Witch Hag's Curse "Attach to a target unit. Treat attached unit as though its printed text box were blank (except for Traits)" - does the curse apply to the attached card as well or just the unit?
8 2011-04-25 20:56:56
Topic: Dragonslayer attack (1 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
Can Dragonslayer attack if there is no attacking units in the battlefield? Card says "when you attack during your battlefield phase, this unit may attack from your quest zone." If there are no attackers in your battlefield does the dragonslayer still attack?
9 2011-04-17 19:10:04
Re: Slave Pen (sacrificing unit ruling) (13 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
I understand that there is a process describing the time between assigning and applying damage, but if it is assigned then the player removes that unit from play then the assigned damage is not assigned to anything anymore. Making it so I should be able to reassign to another existing target, since we are still in the assigning phase. I don't agree that the damage should just disappear since damage is assigned. If you take away a target that I am assigning damage to than I can still change my mind on the target getting the damage if we are still in the assigning phase.
10 2011-04-17 13:59:40
Topic: Slave Pen (sacrificing unit ruling) (13 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
Slave pen "Action: Sacrifice a unit to put a resource token on this card". After the damage has been assigned following a battle and a unit this person controls is taking damage, can they remove the unit from play with the damage on it and then say they are sacrificing it so they get to play a resource token on the Slave Pen card? I am fighting this because if the damage is applied to the unit then that unit is destroyed and you can not sacrifice it too.
11 2011-04-15 04:22:20
Topic: Action Time of Doomsayer of Morr - Ruling (3 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
If a player has a Unit card - Doomsayer of Morr (Action: When an opponent's unit is destroyed, draw a card) in play and another player plays a card that destroys all units, does the now dead Unit - Doomsayer card get to draw on the opponent's destroyed units from this play if they are destroyed as well.
The main question is when does the action of the card take place, if it is being destroyed at the same time can it still play the action?
13 2011-04-13 16:39:33
Topic: Bash 'Em! (2 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
So if there are 3 players and I play the Bash 'Em! card
"Action: There is an additional battlefield phase this turn, following the first battlefield phase this turn."
Does this mean that I get to attack again when I play this card or does it mean that the opponents also get a turn and who would attack first? Or does this mean only MY turn? So only I would have an additional battlefield phase.
Sometimes I think the cards could be more clear, since we often have to agree amongst each player to see if we are reading the card correctly and how to interpret the card.
14 2011-04-10 03:29:08
Topic: Keystone Forge Ruling (1 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
Kingdom. forced: After your turn begins, heal 1 damage to your capital. Does this mean that the damage has to happen prior to drawing resources and cards or can it be played at anytime during your turn? Reason for the debate is because of the other cards that say "at the beginning of your turn" take the action.
15 2011-04-09 13:06:26
Topic: Master Rune of Valaya vs Mob Up? (1 replies, posted in Warhammer Invasion)
I apologize if this is already out there. I have not been able to find it.
Does the Mob Up card for the Orc race negate the Master Rune of Valaya action?