(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I stripped it down again, and then added a couple new ones from Fate, and added the finishing move of overwhelm.



(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Maybe morph with Temur War Shaman would be better than the graveyard plays? But keep the whips in there since the hornets nest and the queen will still die. And how about adding Roar of challenge or Mortals Resolve for indestructible.  What do you think?

Here's what I was thinking, minus the lands. http://deckbox.org/sets/929628?v=v


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Ok I've modified the original slightly. I'm still worried about the lack of defense, and am not sure of Sibsig host is really the best fit for a 'put top x into graveyard' card, seems like a high cost. Still am tweaking the lands too.



(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'm thinking maybe this hornet deck would be fun to play. Death touch and forced combat? But again I have too many cards, where should I thin the deck down to 60? It's for our casual standard game, not even as intense as friday night magic.


I was just wondering if anyone could give me comments/feedback on this standard deck. I know mono color is not very common in standard right now, but I like what green has to offer. It's just for our weekly standard casual play. What should I take out to bring it to 60? Which should I run only 3 of instead of 4?


Here's what I think I should do with it, but this one is still 68 cards.

Thanks a lot for such a detail response! I agree with almost everything you said, it's too bad there's so many repeat abilities but only at a higher cost. I'm going to run with 2 Vess and 2 Whips just because, but otherwise this looks like it will be fun. I'll see if I remember to post how it does. We wont play for over two weeks. Drafts and conspiracy instead until then. Thanks again!

We do both. I would have side board of cards that work well for multiplayer.

The deck is for standard for Sunday night  magic my friends and I play. It's pretty casual. I do have dual lands and such, they will be added at the end, once I know the manna curve.

My deck is 73 cards and I like to play with 60. What do you think I should take out? Should I take our specific cards? Or just one from each one until there are 60? Thanks!



(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Thanks for your deck. I was thinking of choosing to keep the benifits of lantern I could sub out the heavy cost flyers for smaller black or white flyers.

Maybe I should throw in 4 Siren of the Silent Song to replace 2 of the arbiter and 2 of the windreader. Brings down the curve, uses black if I wanted to splash black, and damages the enemy with more discard.


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I will just have to play test it. Replacing it with mana does not nesecarilly fix a mana issue because the lantern can be much more beneficial than just one mana. But having two lanterns would be dead weight. So I'll just have to play test it. Thanks!


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Talus,  the specter can steal lands and the lantern can let me use them. I'll probably just have a few different instants in my sideboard

See comments: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/ … eid=366242

Hikingstick, I'll see if I can replace one of them for a regular mid bird without taking away too much benifit.



(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Heres a mono blue standard flying deck I came up with.  How many lands should I have in mono deck?


Yes its for standard, casual, but the decks these guys make are not easy to combat. Thanks for the card suggestions.

Updated it, removed spark jolt, sudden storm and divination, in favor of those you recommended.

I like it more. Thanks again!

Here is the first draft of a Spellheart deck I came up with. Looking for advice on which sorcery and instant cards may be better. I like the side benefits of scry and "put the rest into graveyard".
