Topic: Standard Flyer

Heres a mono blue standard flying deck I came up with.  How many lands should I have in mono deck?

Re: Standard Flyer

I'd drop the 4 Chromatic Lantern and add 4 more islands.  I think you can get away with 20 lands in that deck. 
I would also recommend ditching cancel and using a different counter spell.  Syncopate or dissolve.

Re: Standard Flyer

When playing so many high-drop cost cards, you really need to have around 24 land.

I also recommend thinning the number of high-cost cards you are running--include three-of or two-of for the most expensive ones.  You don't want to end up with a hand loaded with those late-game drops.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Standard Flyer

I'm also not seeing why you need the Chromatic Lantern.  What other color of mana do you need? If just wanting them for their ability to tap for colorless, I believe you'll be better off with just the additional islands. If anything, find some cards that will let you gain some card draw, or play an additional land.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Standard Flyer

Talus,  the specter can steal lands and the lantern can let me use them. I'll probably just have a few different instants in my sideboard

See comments: … eid=366242

Hikingstick, I'll see if I can replace one of them for a regular mid bird without taking away too much benifit.


Last edited by 583000646 (2014-04-11 13:42:37)

Re: Standard Flyer

583000646 wrote:

Talus,  the specter can steal lands and the lantern can let me use them. I'll probably just have a few different instants in my sideboard

See comments: … eid=366242

Hikingstick, I'll see if I can replace one of them for a regular mid bird without taking away too much benifit.


I'd just use the land you steal with the specter to cast their spells.  If your concerned then leave two of them in.  I think you will find yourself short of mana other wise.

Re: Standard Flyer

I will just have to play test it. Replacing it with mana does not nesecarilly fix a mana issue because the lantern can be much more beneficial than just one mana. But having two lanterns would be dead weight. So I'll just have to play test it. Thanks!

Re: Standard Flyer

Well I played around a bit and built a version of the mono blue flying deck.  I'd save the swan song to side board in against other control decks.

I like the idea of denying your opponent flying with the Archetype. 

Have fun!

Re: Standard Flyer

Thanks for your deck. I was thinking of choosing to keep the benifits of lantern I could sub out the heavy cost flyers for smaller black or white flyers.

Maybe I should throw in 4 Siren of the Silent Song to replace 2 of the arbiter and 2 of the windreader. Brings down the curve, uses black if I wanted to splash black, and damages the enemy with more discard.

Last edited by 583000646 (2014-04-11 19:55:55)