(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

So as well as all my normal cards, I put my foil land cards into the system too "just because". Anyway, I added a land card from 10th Edition and the price appears to be a bit mental, see - http://deckbox.org/sets/687229?v=l&s=j&o=d

Any idea what's up there? I hardly think anyone is buying 10th edition foil land cards for nearly $2000...


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'm trying to upload a 60x60px, 3.8KB PNG image as my avatar but I'm receiving the error...

Warning! The following errors must be corrected before your profile can be updated:
The server was unable to save the uploaded file. Please contact the forum administrator at admin@deckbox.org.

Is there currently an issue with the avatar system?

"File" output in case it's useful:

file cim-60.png 
cim-60.png: PNG image data60 60 8-bit colormap, non-interlaced

Would a safer postal order be:

Name / Company
Number + Street
Locale (if listed)
Zip/Post Code

That's how it's normally laid out in the UK.

I've been slowly adding my entire collection to the site just so I have some idea of what I have and I've noticed something odd.

Avacyn Restored fat packs and booster boxes seem to go for quite a bit more than the normal/current boxes as I assume as they are now out of print (so that's all normal)  but the cards themselves (commons and uncommons) are oddly cheaper than most others from other sets. When adding commons and uncommons from other sets, they are normally worth between 12c and 20c, but pretty much every Avacyn Restored common or uncommon is just a flat 10c.

Was Avacyn Restored a particularly bad set of cards or is there something else I'm not aware of?


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This doubles up being a problem when I can't tell if it has just added two by default. The system only seems to list the last added date rather than the date of each card, so I've got one or two cards that I'm not sure were just added twice by accident, or whether the second is really a card I added ages ago...


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

You just need to drop the period off the end of the URL - http://deckbox.org/sets/674173