I'm not suggesting that they be automatically added to inventory. It would work well in my case, but possibly not in most other cases.
I'm suggesting that it be easier to both without having to search up cards twice. Just put all 3 card count options in all the views.
As it is now, I could use th mobile interface to look up some information, but it's not useful for editing quantities and I'll just switch to the desktop view.
Even he desktop view is inconvenient since you can't always edit in line. (I don't like the pop-up window even a little). I am someone who doesn't care about the card edition at all. Just if I have the card or not. In fact, I fill the edition field when I have to, but it's not accurate in my collection. There could be some settings to make it easier for me, but my collection style may not be a large enough percent of the users to go to the trouble. I understand that.
In most cases, I am looking for 4 of every card. If I have 3 in inventory then I have 1 in the wish list. There are some exceptions. For example, anything premodern I don't out them in the wish list. Most of the playable lands and a few staples I go for 8 instead of 4 (shock lands, fetch lands, tarmogoyf etc).
If I could get the edition to default to the latest edition, edit inline, and not have to run multiple searches to "move a card" from the wish list to inventory (or the reverse) my basic needs would be met.