kathirene89 wrote:
Would it also limit people doing many low value trades at once ? Like 10 or so 2-15 dollar trades ?

Sebi wrote:
Well, the thing is, if you only do low value trades, and you have less than 250$ in many months, do you really want to at once start doing 250$ worth of trades at the same time suddenly?
The restriction would just be for all the trades that you have open at the same time where the other person did not yet receive the cards. So for the cards you promised and are "in transit

Me -
OK so t wouldn't really be a limit on how many trades if there all small then ?

sebi wrote:

I mean it would not prevent you from trading, a new user would simply need to wait for his cards to get to destination before opening new trades for other cards. For national trades this would be 2-3 workdays usually, no?

Majority of my trades take 4-5 days both ways unless I trade within my state or bordering states

sebi wrote:
PhyrexianLibrarian wrote:

- preventing users from having too many trades in progress at once?

This was my intention with the limits, to prevent too much value being traded at once, so as to limit someone who wants to make 20 trades worth 2000$ and run away.

Would it also limit people doing many low value trades at once ? Like 10 or so 2-15 dollar trades ?

What if you never do anything but small trades ? Some people regardless of how many trades they do might never reach that amount cap to go up a level .
This sort of system would make it unfair to those who do smaller trades .
Most of the people I trade with have high trade scores now with the system that's being talked about it might not be able to find theverything things I need on this website anymore.

Isn't this idea a bit unfair to honest people with no rating or low rating ?

Perhaps instead of having a dollar amount you have to reach before going up a level making it a trade count instead and not quite as high either. 
I have been on this site a few years now and only done 32 trades and the Grand total of said trades most likely isn't up to 200 dollars so if I read right I would most likely still be stuck in level one and limited to who I could trade with.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Is drana or olivia voldaren better as commander ? I have tons of vampires mostly black though just wondering which direction I should go for and also a basic build idea , I have looked at several can't seem to decide


(0 replies, posted in SETX Traders)

Olivia voldaren is my commander , I know there's tons of builds I have looked over for this but what are the cards I really really need for this deck ?

What are the best cards to put with Olivia in a modern build


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Im a stay at home mom with no babysitter so im not looking for tournament just among friends play and i would like to stay in modern sa format .
Im still very new to this all so i dont know a whole lot about golgari i have been running primarly black decks so i wanted to expand a bit and after i got a few golgari cards i decided i would try it . As for other cards i have duress and feast of dreams and time to feed i for sure want to add past that i am not sure. I dont have a very big budget


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Wanting to build a good golgari deck i have korazda guild mage and golgari guildgates and cluestones

Sorry i thought i had a link up sad it shows i do from my end i dunno what happened

Im still really new to mtg and i have made several decks that work ok but i was wondering is there anything i could change or add to make it better