I find them confusing and awkwardly arranged and tedious to use.

I'll see what I can do about drawing up a mockup and posting it here --- maybe that will help the discussion.

I find all the pop-up menus less than optimal.
Would it be appropriate to work up a mockup for an interface for filtering the cards?

Transform Card Checklist cards?

Shouldn't there be a listing for the Innistrad and Dark Ascension checklist cards? e.g., http://www.trollandtoad.com/p322181.html


On the matter of showing pending purchases / trades --- my suggestion for this would be to add an additional column in-between the inventory and wishlist columns, label it as ``Pending'' and only show it when there are pending trades / purchases.

I actually view not knowing this as a feature though --- keeps me only conducting one trade / purchase at a time and helps to keep my spending in check.

Thanks for the site.

I'm not getting the second page of my ``Purchase Opportunities'' to come up.

I'd also like an option to sort that by # of cards available --- I want to do some bulk orders to catch up on various things (getting back into Magic now that my son is playing).