(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Your deck is heavily inconsistent, you want to keep your total number of cards at 60 not counting your sideboard. In addition try not have to many 1 or 2 off cards. Here a list I threw together: https://deckbox.org/sets/808488


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


Sultai Control

Counter spells- Dissipate and Stubborn Denial. Dissipate because exile doesn't fuel delve, Stubborn Denial for turn 1 counters and late game.

Card Draw- Treasure Cruise, Sultai Charm. Treasure Cruise gets me more card than dig through time, Sultai Charm is versatile.

Removal- Sultai Charm, Murderous Cut, Silence the Believers. Murderous Cut, I don't use many creatures, plenty of cards to fuel delve, Silence the Believers can be multi target and doesn't fuel delve.

Ramp-Sylvan Caryatid, Courser of Kruphix. Sylvan Caryatid, blocker, plus it can generate any color, Courser of Kruphix, good lifegain, plus extra lands are always welcome.

Planeswalker-Ashiok can help deal deck with delve and lets me capitalize on cards revealed by an opponents courser.

Other-Kin-Tree Invocation, Stormtide Leviathan. Kin Tree Invocation can get me a 4/4 cheaply, allowing me to save mana to counter spell, it also triggers stubborn denial for ferocius, Stormtide Leviathan is the win con.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I want to keep soldier of the pantheon because in Kahns of Tarkir there will be a ton of multicolor cards in play, because soldier of the pantheon has protection from multicolor it makes a good blocker. In addition this will cause its lifegain effect to active regularly thus pumping Ajani's Pridemate.
Ajani's Pridemate gets pumped from Soldier of the Pantheon, but yeah I see your point I probably don't have enough life gain for it to be viable.
Thassa's rebuff I meant to drop that earlier this was based off of my old mono blue deck.

I'm dropping Thassa's Rebuff and the white creatures.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Blue/Red/White Control, decklist as it stands: https://deckbox.org/sets/775455

Possible Changes
-When Kahns of Tarkir comes out I plan to do some swapping and add in Mystic Monastery, and Sage of the Inward Eye
-Lightning Strike and Magma Spray are probably not that useful, but I'm not sure what I'd use in their place
-I probably need some sort of board wipe

General Strategy

Turn 1
If I go first I want to open with Soldier of the Pantheon, If I go second or don't pull Soldier of the Pantheon I'll play a removal effect (void snare or magma spray depending) on my opponent's opening creature if they have one.

Turn 2
If I fielded Soldier of the Pantheon I'll want to follow it up with Ajanis Pridemate. If I don't have Ajani's Pridemate or Soldier of the Pantheon has not been played, I'll put a/another Soldier of the Pantheon out. If neither of those are options I'll remove any creatures my opponent has played.

Turn 3
Ideally I have Ajani's Pridemate/Soldier of the Pantheon out, if I do I play Spellheart Chimera. If I can't achieve either of these goals I save my mana for counterspelling/removal.

Turn 4
At this point I hopefully have either the Ajani's Pridemate/Soldier of the Pantheon Combo, Spellheart Chimera, or I've used removal effects to keep my opponent from having any creatures. At this point if I don't at least have Soldier of the Pantheon or Spellheart Chimera out creatures are top priority. If I have creatures out I start focusing on preventing my opponent from doing anything.
