(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'm trying to remove an address from my account as I have recently moved.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Clicking "Edit Profile"

  • Clicking  "Remove" on the appropriate box

  • Prompted for confirmation

  • Clicking "OK"

  • Redirected to personal landing page, no feedback, address remains.

gtcooke94 wrote:

I'm thinking about doing the same thing. This is offtopic but where/how is the best way to print it? I've heard you can get 10 on a page. Do you just print them at staples and cut them out and slide them in? Also, where is the best place to buy bulk sleeves for a cube?

Sort of addressing your question, http://www.yellosoft.us/proxymang/ is a helpful start. As to where to print, I can't really help. I have free personal printing at my work >_>

Hurk, killin' me. Sad to go down to 1 snap for now, but I'll get more later, I guess =P

Thanks Thrun, let's do it.

Hey all.

I'm super desperate to trade for these 3 cards I need for the weekend. Payday isn't going to happen in time for the tournament on Saturday.

Anything on my list for these 3 cards except the Tooth and Nail (it's tied up right now). The only exception is they have to be here by the end of the week. I'm happy to pay a little bit to even out a trade and to cover some faster shipping within reason.

Let me know if you can help me out!

Thanks =/

- icbat


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Any interest? Dunno what to do with it, apparently it's worth a bit.

That's a good point, thank you. I'll use that to cope with the stress of typing =P


I'm mainly using this site to keep track of the deck I draft each week so I can analyze what I did. However, I'd like to start thinking about constructed.

I already enter in everything into decks. It would be a pain to go over every card again. I'd really like to have a button somewhere that will take the decklist and add it to my inventory to save me the pain. Especially as I haven't added to inventory for the past 4 limited events, at least more than rares so I can offer a meager trade list.

I know, this has a relatively limited application. It could even just be worked around by export/import features with the right formats. I realize export has been requested here recently.
