I've reported on this issue in the past.

It's a complication when inputting sorted cards because it's instinct to put Ancestral Vision with other blue cards, as it's numbered as a blue card. When I ran into the problem, I was inputting blue rares, so I'd sorted the database by blue rares, only to find what you found.


(50 replies, posted in Announcements)

I concur with meldon44's suggestion here... mostly because of what he said at the end of part 2... Wizards will find some other "special treatment" for cards in the future that will not be supported with a unique collector number and only apply to a small subset of cards. It will come up again.

As always, thank you, Sebi, for all you do around here. smile


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I figured out what I'd found. Wasn't immediately obvious but it was from the Explorers of Ixalan game.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I expect there will be a market correction, but it will be very slow in both starting and progressing. All bets are off, however, if the US economy doesn't rebound well from the year of COVID and its government's propensity towards gridlock.


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

Yeah, deck pages were not designed to support thousands of entries. All changes to any card re-render the whole listing (for totals and statistics and stuff), even though that would not be necessary (or should be cleaned up and optimized). But the idea was that a deck is something small(ish), and not made to be paginated, like big collections.

This (as well as earlier posts) would explain why it was so slow and glitchy, at least initially, when I went to undo marking cards as being in my Commander decks, especially those decks that run few basic lands. It was slow moving and sometimes the inventory drop down would appear way further down the page than it should have (and got worse the further down the page I went).

I think when we finally have tags for inventories a large number of usecases that people use decks for will move to use that instead. (except gigantic cubes)

Yeah I'll definitely use those tags when we have them! Hopefully coming soon! Thank you for the response!


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you for the reply. I felt I was pretty thorough searching the site, and I'm glad that this is a feature that others are interested in as well.

I'd be using Firefox on Win10, so I'm sure my experience will be similar. I've noticed a slight drag when I alter my cube as compared to when I alter my EDH decks, so I figured that, if decklists could be infinite, that there would be some significant slowdowns.

So then... is there a limit to the number of decks one can have (on Premium)? Because if I can have infinite decks without slowdown, I could at least have a "workaround" solution for what I was going to use it for.


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Pretty much what's in the header.

I've entered a cube before so I know it can hold at least 420 cards... but I was wondering if there was an actual maximum, or if there would be significant speed issues as that deck size grows larger.

Curious because I've been thinking of ways in which I can optimize how I use Deckbox relative to how I store my cards. Unless there is some other way on Deckbox in which I could classify my cards by the binder/box they're in that I have not yet stumbled across. I could be looking at thousands of cards per "decklist" so I figured I'd ask before I started trying.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I've noticed a number of... unusual... prices lately. Sometimes, the prices will self-correct, but, if you see one that doesn't...

On the card's page, there is a "Report Pricing Error" link next to the word "Prices." I haven't yet used it myself, but I only recently noticed it myself.

Aklo wrote:

I suppose the reason for this "bug" relates to why colored cards with 0 cost, for instance Pact of Negation, won't show up when filtering for that color.
If the search engine derives card color from symbols in the casting cost, my guess is that it chokes on unorthodox CMCs as well. Perhaps the only solution for these issues is the inclusion of an additional, specific "Color" DB field that overrides the CMC value in specific cases like MDFCs and zero cost cards.

I've encountered this problem in the past as I sort by color first when logging my tradeable rares. It was very frustrating to separately search for those cards when they should show up in their game-correct color.

If I'm seeing this correctly, the C21 version of Greed has a gold rarity symbol on the site. Oddly enough, it was printed at uncommon in C21. I say "oddly" because usually rarity doesn't change in a Commander set from previous printings (in which Greed was rare).


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

We're having discussions about this now on another thread. Seems to be a tossup between setting an Etched Foil flag or setting a separate set for Mystical Archive Etched Foils.


(46 replies, posted in Announcements)

meldon44 wrote:
ic0n67 wrote:

I don't know if maybe mtgJSON fixes some of these issues???

Unless I'm mistaken, Scryfall is based on mtgjson, so you wouldn't get much advantage using one over the other, data-wise.

And yes, I wouldn't bother with Multiverse IDs. Scryfall has a unique ID for every variant they list; much more robust to use that.

Notably, Scryfall has not as of yet introduced any form of differentiation scheme for etched foils. It'll be interesting to see if they do, and if so, what they come up with.

I think any application/website that uses mtgJSON is waiting for them to decide how to handle it. Other apps I use that use mtgJSON are having similar deficiencies here.

EDIT: Also want to add that I agree with meldon's idea and reasoning. We're gonna keep getting these funky variants, it seems.

Thank you, Sebi!


(46 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thank you for having the new set in early!

Wondering, though, when Promo Pack: Kaldheim will be up. Still waiting.


(6 replies, posted in Announcements)

I'm wondering what the plan is for Promo Pack: Kaldheim?


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

You are such a joy.


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I dunno... color identity might be helpful. It was really annoying searching for blue rares and having Ancestral Vision and Pact of Negation not coming up in the results, for example.

Any timetable on Kaldheim Promo Pack rares/mythics?


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I bought 3 set boxes so I can provide more if requested.

I support the removal of "auto-accept" as well.

While I have not yet bought, sold, or traded on Deckbox, I might choose to someday, and I think both sides of any exchange agreement deserve protection.

To all the people saying "sellers need to be more responsible" - some of us who sell/look to sell are just ordinary people with a huge inventory and very little time. It's why I would consider selling/trading here - the time efficiency in being able to *find* deals is strictly superior, especially given the current global pandemic issues, and I have a lot of cards I can move. However, I feel as if I, as a seller, don't deserve to get screwed because a price spiked and I didn't have a chance to reset my prices because I was at work or otherwise occupied at the instant of the spike. Please remember that there are tens of thousands of unique cards and probably over one hundred thousand unique printings of cards, and that's a lot for someone for whom selling is at most a side gig to keep up with on an instantaneous basis.

Would there be a way (and maybe there is and I haven't seen it yet) for sellers to set prices as some sort of percentage of an established price (like when we have TCGPlayer prices up here)? If I agree to sell all my cards at, say, 95% of TCG Mid, then my prices would just update automatically as prices spike... would it not? I feel like that could solve a lot of problems. Of course, I have no idea how feasible this kind of idea is, as I haven't done coding in so long that I can safely say I don't code at all. LOL


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

There's definitely an element of set size in the delay here. I know the apps I use on my phone for rules and trade tracking don't yet have the set listed either.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I know if you use the "Card Database" and put appropriate filters, you can get it to give you the total owned across all sets.

That being said, it would be helpful to have an option in the Inventory to do so. I was actually thinking to ask for this today, in addition to being able to search cards you own by language.

I also kind of wish there was an additional coloring on the set pages to indicate when you own 4+ of a card but don't have 4+ of in that particular set.


(14 replies, posted in Announcements)


Can we get the double-sided tokens from the Amonkhet and Hour of Devastation bundles? I can help with those if needed.