(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

When a trade is resolved, and I click 'cards received' and the popup asks "Do you want to add these cards to your inventory and remove them from your wishlist?"; I choose yes and they are not being removed from my Wishlist. Thanks.

I posted my BTR today since it's been two weeks since he said he mailed his cards.

I pulled two foil Jace MS and a non-foil from one box on Release night.

I started in October 2011 and I'd say it took us the better part of an entire year to get completely caught up.

We were NOT diligently working on it, more like a night or two every few weekends. And we'd do quite a spurt whenever we got new cards. AND we were sorting and alphabetizing at the same time (which we did once, and then changed our system so we had to do it all over again and THEN we had a Magic closet catastrophe and had to do it ALL OVER a third time because boxes and boxes and boxes of cards dumped on the floor = BAD.)

Our current inventory is 55k+ cards and the new rule is NOTHING goes downstairs to the Magic cave until it's been "deckbox'd". Once it's done, keeping up is far easier and having this inventory tool that we can both access from our phones or iPads at any time has been SO awesome!

You owe me your half of our trade.  http://deckbox.org/trades/68218?s=843

Please respond ASAP.

Was so excited to notice the 'how many are in my decks' feature today as it implemented WHILE I was working on decklists and inventory.

Saved my butt on a botched planeswalker listing! smile


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I found this week while inventory-ing our huge collection, that there are some things missing:

- tokens would definitely be a request!
- Vanguards (I saw just now in a previous forum post that this may have been added in the past, so I'll try again)
eta: yeah, can't find the Vanguards
- the DCI promo schemes and planes don't all work