Acceleration might not be what you need. As an old red player i learned there's no way to out-ramp elves.
So try board control. Volcanic Fallout and Slagstorm might be your best choices. The creatures in your deck that you care about are mostly out of burn range (you don't care about the tokens and little goblins for anything else than board control)

Ohh and you might need a lighting bolt or two for the lords that will get the other pesty little elves out of volcanic range.


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

nekiy2005 wrote:

Well, thx again for answer BUT i think you're wrong because Hand of the Praetors says that whenever you cast a creature spell with infect, an apponent get's posion counter.)

But you're not casting those tokens, that's the main point. Putting them from an ability will not trigger any cast effect. I did the same mistake with Kaalia of the Vast and Dread Cacodemon until our local judge decided to point out i'm playing like a newb in an EDH game big_smile

I would drop Divine Reckoning and replace them with other 2 copies of DOJ.
Also remove the DR from the side and add another copy of Timely Reinforcements. (You don't need more than 4 board reset spells in a game even if you play against token generating Decks... And you can be sure you'll draw them reliably  with think twice and ponder )

Also i would be inclined to add at least 2 more copies of Dissipate maybe moving Dismember to side and removing 2 purges from the side or 2 missteps.

But then again i'm mainly an agrro player big_smile