Topic: Handling Promos in your Inventory

One of the reasons I started entering my collection on DeckBox was to get a rough estimate of what my collection is worth. I own a good handful of interesting specimens that DeckBox doesn't know what to do with, and I was hoping someone had and idea about how to remedy this.

I own about a DOZEN Jace Beleren, however, 2 of them are from the Dual box, 1 of them is from the Japanese Dual Box, and one of them is from the Book Promo.

Deckbox values all the Duel Box Jaces the same, though I know the Japanese one has different art, and is valued about double.

The Media Insert one from the book is worth 150, but Deckbox thinks it's no different than a regular Lorrwyn Jace.

Is there any way to point Deckbox to the correct cards on TCG trader, or manually edit the price listed for those cards my collection?

Re: Handling Promos in your Inventory

Sadly, this isn't currently possible.  The problem being that Deckbox pulls all of its card information from the official Gatherer site, and Wizards doesn't keep track of all of these additional set differences and promos (for some entirely unknown reason, since they should really be the authority on the matter).

Because Gatherer doesn't know about the different sets/promos, neither does Deckbox, so it can't automatically choose the proper card in TCGPlayer.  And because it can't do that, it can't get better pricing either.

There has been many discussions on how this might be resolved, from pulling card info from instead to, as you mentioned, custom pricing, but no real information as to if/when these changes may or may not happen has been given at this point.  So, at this point, there isn't really anything built in that you can use to solve your issue.  The only thing I can suggest is maybe exporting your collection to a spreadsheet and then manually editing the pricing columns to figure out the exact value of your collection, but that is obviously a one time solution.

Re: Handling Promos in your Inventory

That's too bad. It would be really nice if they could implement the DB instead of Gatherer. Frankly I've never understood people's obsession with Gatherer over .info.  Gatherer is slower, and has less useful data, and to my knowledge no fun art game that goes with it.

I suppose when I'm cataloging, I'll just have to leave those cards out, and put them in a separate spreadsheet like you suggested so I can tack them onto the file that DeckBox exports. 

Thanks for clearing that up!