Topic: H: Misty Rainforest W: Dark Depths

Hey boys and girls, I have a Misty Rainforest I'm willing to move for the right return. 

I'm looking for a number of pieces, the central of which needs to be a Dark Depths.  Other cards I would want: Temple Garden, Stomping Grounds, Sacred Foundry, Godless Shrine, Domri Rade, Foil Scars Venser the Sojourner, Darksteel Colossus. 

Anyways, I would likely be looking for a bit of value in the trade, as I'm giving up the fetch and trading down.  Priority given to anyone who has a Foil Scars Venser + Dark Depths in their offer.

Re: H: Misty Rainforest W: Dark Depths

Would you do Misty for a scalding tarn?