Topic: TCG Mid. Questions.
Hey guys, I'm pretty new to using tcg as a price guide (I used to just use SCG since I felt they had a better idea of the market). Looking at tcg mid there are some cards that seem artificially inflated due to ridiculous "high" listings (i.e. $95 Bob, $170 Jace, etc.) When there are too few listings or a large amount of these "extreme" outliers these listings can have a big effect on what the average price is (via math). I feel it inflates the card price in a way that's not truly reflective of it's price.
I guess my question is how do people on this site deal with that? When I even hint at a card having a distorted value in a trade the other guy gets really defensive and sometimes just cancels the trade. Is discussing value outside of TCG mid just a taboo or what? I'm new here so I'm just curious.