Topic: H: Polluted Delta / Wooden Foothills / Windswept Heath

Looking to sell these for a freind. Please let me know if you are interested...

Re: H: Polluted Delta / Wooden Foothills / Windswept Heath

How much for the delta? Should I just open a convo?

Re: H: Polluted Delta / Wooden Foothills / Windswept Heath

Interested in Heath.

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: H: Polluted Delta / Wooden Foothills / Windswept Heath

Looking to get $90 for polluted delta  and $40 each for the others..

Hes willing to come down a little though...

Last edited by heater_bone (2013-09-05 19:14:18)

Re: H: Polluted Delta / Wooden Foothills / Windswept Heath … &rt=nc … &rt=nc … &rt=nc

Re: H: Polluted Delta / Wooden Foothills / Windswept Heath

I couldn't check eBay prices from work due to firewall..   
Would still like to get 80 for the delta.
The others would,go to 35
I Will take any offers into consideration though

Last edited by heater_bone (2013-09-05 22:52:50)