- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (820)
- leg (L) 4C Loam
- leg (L) Death and Taxes
- vin (L) Elves
- leg (L) Jeskai Scepter
- leg (L) Miracles
- leg (L) Mod Death and Taxes
- vin (L) Shardless BUG
- vin (L) Shardless BUG
- leg (L) Turbo Depth
- leg (L) UW Scepter
- leg 4C Loam
- leg Bant Maverick
- vin Elves
- vin Grixis Delver
- vin Imperial Painter
- vin New Deadguy
- vin No Lands (Original)
- vin No Lands (SCGO)
- leg Pox
- vin Punishing Jund
- leg Reanimator
- vin RUG Delver
- vin Shardless BUG
- vin UW Miracles
- vin UW Miracles
(M) 2016
- mod (M) Amulet
- leg (M) BTL Scapeshift
- mod (M) RW Fun Police
- mod (M) Skred Red
- mod (M) Titan Shift
(M) 2017
GP OKC 9/13
- mod GP:OKC13 Draft 1
- mod GP:OKC13 Draft 2
- mod GP:OKC13 Sealed
- mod (M) As Foretold
- mod (M) Jund Titan
- mod (M) Living End Shift
- mod (M) Ponza
- mod (M) Rallier
- mod (M) Rallier-Martyr
- mod (M) Rallier-Wish
- mod (M) RG Breach
- mod (M) UB Control
- mod (M) UBg Tez
- mod (M) Wildfire
GP Richmond 3/14
- mod Affinity (Finalist)
- leg Kiki Pod (Winner)
- leg Melira Pod (Semi)
- leg UR Twin (T8)
Pre 2015 Ban
- vin (M) Fatestitcher Ascendancy
- vin [M]Melira Pod
- leg Kiki Pod
- vin Melira Pod (8/13)
- mod (M) Aggro Loam
- sta (M) Aristocrats
- mod (M) BG Rock
- mod (M) BR Pox
- mod (M) Crypticshift
- mod (M) Crypticshift (post-FRF)
- leg (M) Dredgevine
- mod (M) Elves
- mod (M) Elves
- leg (M) Goryo Reanimator
- leg (M) Grixis Delver
- mod (M) GW Hatebears
- mod (M) Jund
- mod (M) Junk (post-ban)
- mod (M) Kin Tree
- mod (M) Kuldotha Red
- mod (M) Lantern Control (Jund)
- mod (M) Lantern Control (mono-U)
- mod (M) Loam Pox
- leg (M) Loamshift
- mod (M) Mono Black Devotion
- vin (M) Mono Blue Tron
- mod (M) Naya Heroic
- mod (M) Pillow Fort
- mod (M) RG Loam
- mod (M) RW Pyromancer
- mod (M) Turbo Pox
- mod (M) UB Teachings
- mod (M) UR Runeflare Trap
- mod (M) UR Wildfire
- mod (M) WB Tokens
- mod [M]Combo Elf
- mod [M]Fish
- mod [M]Scapeshift Peer
- mod [M]Scapeshift Titan
- mod [M]UR Faes (Hoogland)
- vin BG Pox
- mod Death & Taxes 1
- mod Death & Taxes 2
- mod Living End
- vin Mono Black Nykthos
- vin PoxLoam
- leg RG Tron
- leg Splinter Twin
- leg UW Tron
- leg Vigor Lands
- leg Vigor Lands (original)
- mod Blue Moon (PT BotG)
- leg Melira Pod (PT BotG)
- vin RUG Twin (PT BotG)
- mod Titanshift (PT BotG)
- leg UR Twin (PT BotG)
- mod UWR Control (PT BotG)
- leg UWR Twin (PT BotG)
- mod (M) BG Journey
- mod (M) BG Pox
- mod (M) Black Moon
- mod (M) BUG Mid
- mod (M) BW Prison
- mod (M) Death and Taxes
- mod (M) Eldrazi Tron
- mod (M) Elves
- mod (M) Emperion
- mod (M) Gifts Storm
- mod (M) Jaceshift
- mod (M) Jund
- leg (M) Mardu Pyromancer
- mod (M) Mono Black
- mod (M) Naya Titan
- mod (M) Prison
- mod (M) Saheeli
- mod (M) Swan Control
- mod (M) UW Flash
- mod (M) WB Aristocrat
- leg (P) Elves
- leg (P) Goblins
- leg (P) TortEx
- leg Elf Ponza
[1995]Ice Age Block
- vin [1995-2]Ice Age
- leg [1996-1]Alliances
[1996]Mirage Block
- vin [1996-2]Mirage
- vin [1997-1]Visions
- leg [1997-2]Weatherlight
[1997]Tempest Block
- vin [1997-3]Tempest
- vin [1998-1]Stronghold
- vin [1998-2]Exodus
[1998]Urza's Block
[1999]Masques Block
- vin [1999-3]Mercadian Masques
- leg [2000-1]Nemesis
- leg [2000-2]Prophecy
[2000]Invasion Block
- leg [2000-3]Invasion
- leg [2001-1]Planeshift
- leg [2001-2]Apocalypse
[2001]Odyssey Block
- leg [2001-3]Odyssey
- leg [2002-1]Torment
- leg [2002-2]Judgment
[2002]Onslaught Block
- leg [2002-3]Onslaught
- leg [2003-1]Legions
- vin [2003-2]Scourge
[2003]Mirrodin Block
- leg [2003-3]Mirrodin
- vin [2004-1]Darksteel
- mod [2004-2]Fifth Dawn
[2004]Kami Block
[2005]Ravnica Block
- leg [2005-3]Ravnica
- mod [2006-1]Guildpact
- mod [2006-2]Dissension
[2006]Time Spiral Block
[2007]Lorwyn Block
- leg [2007-3]Lorwyn
- mod [2008-1]Morningtide
[2008-1]Shadow ...
- mod [2008-2]Shadowmoor
- mod [2008-3]Eventide
[2008-2]Shards Block
[2009]Zendikar Block
[2010]Scars Block
[2011]Innistrad Block
[2012]RTR Block
- vin [2012-4]RTR
- mod [2013-1]Gatecrash
- mod [2013-2]Dragon's Maze
- leg [2006-3]Coldsnap
[2013]Theros Block
[2016]Kaladesh Block
- mod [2009-3]M10
- leg [2010-3]M11
- leg [2011-3]M12
- mod [2012-3]M13
- mod [2013-3]M14
- mod [2013-x]Modern Masters
- mod [2014-3]M15
- vin [2014-4]Khans of Tarkir
- leg [2014-x]Conspiracy
T2 [2012-RTR]
- mod 4C Heartless
- vin 4C Peddler
- mod 4C Sphere
- mod 4C Tokens
- mod 4C Value Rites
- mod Aristocrats
- mod Bant Aggro
- mod Bant Chalice
- mod Bant Control +B
- mod Bant Geist
- mod Bant Geist (Kyle)
- mod Bant Hexproof
- mod Bant Midrange
- mod Bant Ramp
- mod Bant Stolen Goods
- mod Bant Tokens
- mod Beast Naya
- mod BG Aggro
- mod BG Control
- vin BG Zombies
- leg Big Red
- mod Bio Naya
- sta Blue Naya
- mod Boros Doll
- mod Boros Legion
- mod BR
- mod BR Affliction
- vin BR Heartless
- mod BRg Control
- mod BRW Censure
- mod Bug Mill
- vin BUG Reanimator
- vin BUG Servitude
- mod BUG Stuff
- mod BW
- mod BW Aristocrat
- mod BW Life
- sta BW Midrange/Control
- mod Cheap Mono Green
- mod Combo Ghast
- mod Conley's 4C Midrange
- leg Deadguy Midrange
- mod Deadguy Red
- mod Elfball
- mod Esper Control
- mod Esper Delver
- mod Esper Miracle
- mod Esper Spirits
- mod Esper Tokens
- mod Esper ValueRites
- mod Fat Naya
- mod Fog Control
- mod Frog in a Blender
- mod Grixis Aggro
- mod Grixis Ghast
- mod Grixis Midrange
- mod Grixis Superfriends
- mod GW Beasts
- mod GW Humans
- mod GW Midrange
- mod Homicidal Keyrunes
- mod Homicidal Keyrunes (splash Red)
- leg Humanimator
- vin Humanimator 2.0
- mod Jund Aggro
- mod Jund Aggro 2
- mod Jund Dragon
- mod Jund Midrange
- mod Junk Aristocrat
- mod Junk Dudes
- mod Junk Humans
- mod Junk Life
- mod Junk Midrange
- mod Junk Ramp
- mod Junk Servitude
- mod Junk Stompy
- mod Junk Stompy (ver.2)
- mod Junk Superfriends
- mod Junk Tokens
- mod Junk Tokens
- vin Kibler's GB Aggro
- mod Mono Red
- mod MonoGreen
- mod Naya Domri
- mod Naya Dragon
- mod Naya Midrange
- vin Naya Revelation
- mod Naya Stompy
- mod New BG
- mod NO-Tusk Control
- mod Prime Speaker Bant
- sta Pyromancer
- mod Rakdos Aggro (Human)
- mod Rakdos Discard
- mod Rakdos Midrange
- mod Rakdos Pike
- mod Rakdos Vampire
- mod Rakdos Zombie Dragon
- sta Ramp
- leg RBW Good Stuff
- mod RG Midrange
- mod RG Werewolves
- mod RUG Bracers
- leg RUG Dryad Elemental
- mod RUG Experiment
- mod RUG Flash
- vin RUG Humans
- mod RUG Peddler
- mod RUG Ponza
- mod RUG Ruins
- mod RW Human
- mod Saito Naya
- mod Solar Flare
- mod Toolbox Naya
- mod TROGDOR!
- mod Turbo Angels
- mod Turbo Tokens
- vin Turborborygmos
- mod UB Control
- mod UB Heartless
- mod UB Mill
- mod UB Pike
- mod UB Thief
- mod UB Vampire
- mod UG Delver
- mod UG Lab Maniac
- mod UR Delver
- mod UR Earth
- mod UR Pyromancer
- leg UR Vengeance
- mod UW Aggro
- mod UW Control
- mod UW Pike
- mod UWR Control
- mod UWR Human Combo
- mod UWR Midrange
- mod UWR Reckoner
- mod UWThragtusk Control
- mod WB Aristocrat
- leg Worldfire
T2 [2013-Theros]
GP Louisville 10/13
- mod Esper
- mod Mono Black Devotion
- mod Mono Blue Devotion
- mod RG Midrange
GP Vienna 11/13
- mod Mono Blue Devotion
- mod Rw Devotion
- mod Wr Aggro
PT Theros
- mod Big Red Devotion
- mod BW Midrange
- mod Esper
- mod Gr Devotion
- mod Mono Black Devotion
- mod Mono Blue Devotion
SCG Invi
- mod Esper (Indi)
- mod Mono Black (Indi)
- mod Mono Blue (Indi)
- mod Naya Control (Indi)
SCG Opens
- mod (M) Nykthos Green
- mod Bant Eidolon
- mod Bant Prophet
- vin BG Aggro
- mod BG Varolz
- mod Big Red 1
- mod Big Red 2
- mod BR Midrange
- mod Bu Midrange
- mod BUG Inspired
- mod BUG Midrange
- mod BW Accord
- mod BW Midrange
- mod BW Midrange 2
- mod BW Post
- mod Copy of Mono Black Devotion
- mod Dakra Blue
- mod Dega Combo
- mod Devotion to Rakdos
- mod Fight Club
- mod GB Eidolon
- mod GR Monster (SCG Nash)
- mod GW Aggro 1
- mod GW Archangel
- mod GW Eidolon
- mod GW Enchantments
- mod GW Hexproof
- mod GW Hexproof
- mod GW Midrange
- mod GW Midrange
- mod GW Monsters
- mod GW Turbo Elspeth
- mod Jund (Owen's)
- mod Junk Midrange
- mod Mono Black Devotion
- mod Mono Black Midrange
- mod Mono Blue Thassa
- mod Mono Dega Nykthos
- mod Mono Red
- mod Mono White Nykthos
- mod Naya Control
- mod Naya Enchantment
- mod RG Monsters
- mod RG Nykthos
- mod RG Ponza
- mod RG Slivers
- mod The Rock
- mod The Rock 2.0
- mod UB Control
- mod UB Control 2
- mod UB Midrange
- mod UB Notion Thief
- mod UG Flash
- mod UG Monsters
- mod UG Nykthos
- mod UG Primordial
- mod UR Control
- mod UR Gauntlet
- mod UR Hour of Need
- mod UW Angels
- mod UW Control
- mod uW Sheep
- mod UWR Control
- mod UWR Medomai
- mod WB Athreos
- mod Wb Nykthos
- mod WB Pox
- mod WR Midrange
- mod WR Midrange (MODO)
- mod Wr Nykthos
- mod Wu Nykthos
- mod Wu Thune
- mod Wur Devotion
T2 [2014-Khan]
- mod 4C Burn
- mod Abzan Aggro
- mod Abzan Midrange
- mod Abzan Rally
- vin Ascendancy Control
- mod BG Constellations
- mod Bg Devotion
- mod Blue Devotion
- mod Boss Sligh
- mod BUG Control
- mod Bw Warriors
- vin Chris's BUG Midrange
- mod Chromanticore
- vin Cruise Control
- mod Dark Devotion
- vin Deflecting Burn
- vin Esper
- mod Gr Devotion
- mod GW Heroic
- vin Jacekai
- vin Jeskai Control
- mod Jeskai Firedancer
- mod Jeskai Heroic
- vin Jeskai Midrange
- mod Jeskai Tokens
- vin Jeskai Wins
- vin Jeskai Wins (Phoenix)
- mod JeSkies
- vin Mantis Control
- mod Mardu Ascendancy
- mod Mardu Control
- mod Mardu Midrange
- mod Mardu Tokens
- mod Mono Black Devotion
- mod Mono Black Waste Not
- mod Mono Blue Devotion
- mod Mono Blue Ensoul
- mod Mono Green Hornet
- mod Mono Green Stompy
- mod Mono Green Stompy
- mod Mono White Dictate
- mod Mono White Mastery
- vin Narset Jeskai
- mod Narset Tokens
- mod New Prosp
- mod Refocus
- mod Rg Devotion
- mod RG Flamespeaker
- mod RG Monsters (Durward)
- mod RUG Aggro
- vin RUG Control
- mod RUG Midrange
- mod RW Flamespeaker
- mod RW Heroic Tokens
- mod Sidisi Whip
- mod Skybind Morph
- mod Soulflayer (BUG)
- mod Soulflayer (Jund)
- vin Strasky's Jeskai
- mod Tasigur Midrange
- mod Temur Ascendancy
- vin Turbo Ugin
- sta Tymaret
- vin UB Control
- vin UB Control
- vin UB Control (DTK)
- vin UB Control 2.0
- mod UB Convoke
- mod Ub Devotion
- vin UB Midrange
- mod UG Morph
- vin Umbrella Revolution
- vin UW Control
- vin UW Control
- vin UW Heroic
- vin UW Heroic (post FRF)
- vin UW Heroic 2.0
- vin UW Ojutai
- mod WB Control
- mod WB Control (Will's)
- mod Wb Devotion
- mod WB Pridemate
- mod Wb Tokens
- mod Wb Tokens
- mod Whidisi
- mod White Devotion
- mod WR Exemplar
T2 [2015-BFZ]
- mod 4C Bring To Light
- vin 4C Zoo
- mod Aristocrats 2.0
- mod Atarka Red
- mod Aurora Pact
- mod BG Eldrazi
- vin Devoid Aggro
- vin Esper Dragons
- vin Esper Eldrazi
- mod GW Scales
- vin Jeskai
- mod Junk Aristocrats
- mod Junk Eldrazi
- mod Junk Ghostfire Eldrazi
- mod Junk Midrange
- mod RallyAllies
- vin UB Control (BFZ)
T2 [2016-KLD]
- mod 4C Production
- mod 4C Saheeli (Dragon)
- mod 4C Second Sun
- mod Abzan Lancers
- mod Abzan Revolticon
- mod Abzan Rites
- mod Bant Clues
- mod Bant Production
- mod Bant Second Sun
- mod Bant Statuary
- mod BG Delirium
- mod BG Drana Midrange
- mod BG Marvel Midrange
- mod BG Midrange
- mod BG Panharmonicon
- mod BG Ramp
- mod BG Zombies
- mod BR Aggro
- mod BR Control
- mod BR Control (GDD)
- mod BR Madness Burn
- mod BR Revolution
- mod BR Vampires
- mod BUG Delirium
- mod BUG Delirium (PPTQ Win)
- mod BUG Delirium Control (RPTQ win)
- mod BW Ally
- mod BW Artifact
- mod BW Colossus
- mod BW Eldrazi
- mod BW Lifelink
- mod BW Orrery
- mod BW Revolt
- mod BW Stockpile (bishop)
- mod BW Stockpile (servo)
- mod BW Tokens
- mod BW Tokens
- mod BW Zombies
- mod Eldrazi Ramp
- mod Eldrazi Ramp (no TKS)
- mod Evo
- mod Gitrog
- mod Grixis Alchemist
- mod Grixis Burn
- mod Grixis Colossus
- mod Grixis Control
- mod Grixis Control
- sta Grixis Improvise
- mod Grixis Trials
- mod GW Always Watching
- mod GW Humans
- mod GW Midrange
- mod GW Panharmonicon
- mod GW Pummeler
- mod GW Statuary
- mod GW Superfriends
- mod Jeskai Control
- mod Jeskai Control
- mod Jeskai Control (PPTQ)
- mod Jeskai Control 2
- mod Jeskai Dragon
- mod Jund
- mod Jund
- mod Jund Constrictor
- mod Jund Delirium
- mod Mardu Dragon
- mod Marvel
- mod Mono U Reservoir
- mod Mono White Eldrazi
- mod Mono-U Summonings
- mod Monument
- mod Phil's Zombies
- mod RB Aggro
- mod RB Eldrazi
- mod RB Minotaur
- mod RG Double Strike
- mod RG Monster
- mod RG NRG Aggro
- mod RG Ramp
- mod RUG Dragon
- mod RUG Drake
- mod RUG Drake (Grapple ver)
- mod RUG Energy
- mod RUG Ramp
- mod RUG Ramp
- mod RW Madness
- mod RW Midrange
- mod Saheeli Delirium
- mod Saheeli Friends
- mod Saheeli Value
- mod Sram Control
- mod Tez Aggro
- mod Tez Midrange
- mod Triskaidekaphobia
- mod Turbo Abbey
- mod Turbo Fog (Artifact)
- mod Turbo Fog (no PW)
- mod Turbo Fog (PW)
- mod Turbo Sun
- mod UB Control
- mod UB Cycling Gate
- mod UB Improv Control
- mod UB Zombies
- mod UG NRG
- mod UG Ramp
- mod UR Control
- mod UR Dynavolt
- mod UR Eldrazi Control
- mod UR Reservoir
- mod UR Thing
- mod UR Visions Control
- mod UR Whirler
- mod UW Flash
- mod UW Monument
- mod UW Panharmonicon
- mod UW Reservoir
- mod UW Spirits
- mod UW Statuary
- mod UW Statuary (Servos)
- mod WR Aggro
- mod WR Humans
- mod Zombie Drakes
T2 [2017-AKH]
- mod 4C Energy
- mod 4C Ramp
- mod Amulet Approach
- mod Bant Energy
- mod BG Explorer
- mod BG Tyrant
- mod BR Amulet
- mod BUG Energy
- mod BW Aggro
- mod GW Dino Ramp
- mod GW Ramp
- mod Jeskai Approach
- mod Jund Dinos
- mod Jund Ramp
- mod Jund Ramp B
- mod Junk Energy
- mod Mono Black
- mod RUG Energy
- mod RW Dino
- mod Sunbird Combo
- mod UB Control
- mod UB Control (Worlds)
- mod UB Midrange
- mod UB Pirates
- mod UB Tez
- mod UR Skies
- mod WB Tokens
T2 [2017-IXL]
- mod Abzan Hour
- mod Abzan Mid
- mod Abzan Superfriends
- mod Aetherflux
- mod B Monument
- mod BG Bestiary
- mod BG Snek
- mod BGu Flying Snek
- mod Big BR
- mod Big Red
- mod BW Control
- mod BW Humans
- mod BW Life
- mod BW Mid
- mod BW Tetzimoc
- mod BW Vampires
- mod BW Zombies
- mod BWu Grind
- mod Cats
- mod Colossus Invocation
- mod Esper Approach
- mod Esper Mid
- mod Grixis Mid
- mod Jund Dino
- mod Jund Statuary
- mod Mardu Procession
- mod Ramp
- mod Red
- mod RW Aggro
- mod UB Control
- mod UG Ramp
- mod UW Eternalize
- mod UW Midrange
- mod Vehicles
- mod Vehicles Mettle
- mod White Midrange
T2 [2018-DOM]
- mod Abzan Midrange
- mod Antiquities War
- mod Bant Arcades
- mod Bant Midrange
- mod BG Snek
- mod Big RB
- sta BW Knights
- mod BW Lyra
- mod BW Midrange
- mod BWg Reborn
- mod Esper Control
- mod Grixis Conjecture
- mod GW Midrange
- mod Jeskai Approach
- mod Mono Black
- mod Mono White Ascend
- mod Muldrotha
- mod RB Midrange
- mod RB Midrange (pirate)
- mod RUG Conjecture
- mod Sifter Wurm
- mod UB Midrange
- mod UB Saga
- mod UR Conjecture
- mod UW Approach
T2 [2018-GRN]
- sta Abzan Dawn
- sta Abzan Mid
- sta Bant Nexus
- sta BG Journey
- sta BG Karn
- sta BG Midrange
- sta Big Boros
- sta Big Red Frenzy
- sta Big UR
- sta BUg Campaign
- sta BUG Thief
- sta BUG Thief (PPTQ Win)
- sta Esper Control
- sta Gb Stompy
- sta Goblin Frenzy Combo
- sta Grixis Conjecture
- sta GW Mid
- sta GW Tokens
- sta Jeskai Control
- sta Jeskai Control 2.0
- sta Mono Blue Djinn
- sta Mono White Karn
- sta Naya Tyrant
- sta Reanimator
- sta RG Dino
- sta RG Dino 2.0
- sta RW Angels
- sta RW Control
- sta Squee Combo
- sta UB Thief
- sta UR Conjecture
- sta UR Drake
- sta UR Storm
- sta UW Control
T2 [2019-RNA]
- sta [RNA] Abzan Dawn
- sta [RNA] Bant Nexus
- sta [RNA] Burn
- sta [RNA] Esper Campaign
- sta [RNA] Esper Campaign 2
- sta [RNA] Gates (RPTQ)
- sta [RNA] Ponza
- sta [RNA] Rb Aggro
- sta [RNA] RB Bombardment
- sta [RNA] RB Control
- sta [RNA] RW Glass
- sta [RNA] UB
- sta [RNA] UB Thief
- sta [RNA] UG Stompy
- mod (M) 5C Humans
- mod (M) Bogles
- mod (M) Esper
- mod (M) GB Tron
- mod (M) GW Tron
- mod (M) Jeskai
- mod (M) KCI
- mod (M) Tron
- mod (M) UW Control
- leg (P) MBC
- leg (P) RW Midrange
- sta [BO1] GW Angels
- leg [L] Enchantress
- mod [M] UG Nexus
- pau [Pauper] Zada
- sta [RNA] BUG Gates
- sta [RNA] BUG Krasis
- sta [RNA] BUG Krasis (no WW)
- sta [RNA] Gates
- sta [RNA] Grixis
- sta [RNA] UG Elf
- sta [RNA] UG Nexus
- sta '95 uW Prison
- oth '96 UW Control
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Alexander Sudibjo (Neokarasu)
- Location:
- United States - Arkansas - Little Rock
- Score:
367 (100%)
366 0 0 1 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 15-Sep-2024 15:14
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Ships sold cards to:
- United States
- Member of:
- Reddit MTG Trades, MTG Market
This user has set their status to on vacation. You can not trade or buy cards from them until they
come back. Feel free to check out their bio or send them an email to ask for details.
User Bio
== Things to keep in mind when trading with me ==
1. If card CONDITION matters to you, please ASK for a picture prior to trading. I used the default setting for most of my cards.
2. Cards that are I want 99-of on WISHLIST are cards I want as trade fodders, not ones I necessarily need. I'm mostly interested in trading away stuff that are harder to move than what I'm getting because it doesn't make sense for me to trade my high-value trade fodder and also pay shipping for them to get similar items.
3. I do not trade from my INVENTORY. It is simply there for my bookkeeping. Treat them as though they don't exist.
1. If card CONDITION matters to you, please ASK for a picture prior to trading. I used the default setting for most of my cards.
2. Cards that are I want 99-of on WISHLIST are cards I want as trade fodders, not ones I necessarily need. I'm mostly interested in trading away stuff that are harder to move than what I'm getting because it doesn't make sense for me to trade my high-value trade fodder and also pay shipping for them to get similar items.
3. I do not trade from my INVENTORY. It is simply there for my bookkeeping. Treat them as though they don't exist.
Sign up and log in to see what cards in your wishlist this user can trade with you.