Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

morph66 wrote:
odanjames wrote:
sebi wrote:

odanjames, please cancel all your open trades involving those duplicated codes. If you traded them already to someone, please send their cards back or you will be marked a scammer.

I will be contacting the trade partners of cowabunga2. If the codes are duplicated, he will be banned for lying to us and marked a scammer if he does not return the cards to all people that received duplicated codes.

In response to these complications, we will not allow trading of codes anymore on deckbox. Thank you for understanding.

i have not traded any away . as for the cards i owe too cowabunga2 for codes should i be sending him them cards for them codes . and all my trades with these are canceled .

Well you are lucky in a way you only managed to scam before this got put to an end. So consider yourself lucky. The damage combunga2 has done is huge, it's going to take awhile for the admins to clean up this mess. Plus the fact that the people you guy's did business with might be doing it aswell...

I would probably consider apologizing to the community in this thread for blatantly disregarding the fact what you were doing was a scam when everyone was telling you it was. That's just me though. My opinion is that you knew what you were doing was bad yet didn't feel any remorse for doing it because everyone got their cards. You are a dangerous trader and i'm actually quite shocked you're both allowed to continue trading. Not my call though, so we have to respect the sites decision.

I'm done here. Thanks to the admins for a swift course of actions and feel for them having to clean up all these transactions. I hope I helped by bringing this to their attention.

i feel i was doing nothing wrong because these people are receiving a fair value in cards for there cards even aftre i found the "scam" myself i was still planning on sending my cards out to the guy who gave me the codes, your just narrow minded and since its not making me loose a physical card you personally dont like it every person i opened trade with was being told my "scam" up front and was going to accept it as promo codes for cards they would have gone to a store handed in there codes got cards came home said yes or no that they got cards and sent me something in return . yes this isn't how the designers planned it but i really dont care .  the boss man here says i have to cancel it and move on so i am but i don't have to like or agree with so you can definitely eat an apology morph66 i don't owe you anything and i think most of you still need to get a life and stay out peoples buisness if its not harming anyone on this site .

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)


Please watch your language on this forum.

Last edited by sebi (2013-10-03 15:43:22)

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

Odan, let me make something clear.


Holy hell.

Do you really think the mods would ban this activity if you were doing nothing wrong?

It doesn't matter if they get the cards or not. The codes are to be used for ONE card each. Sure, a lot of us probably went to 4 different stores with it but nobody tried bringing other people into by TAKING THEIR CARDS for a code that's already been used. This is a scam every way you look at it.

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

odanjames, you are banned and suspended from trading, since 10 minutes after you are caught doing questionable things you are still cursing people.

beacon, I have deleted your post, please watch your language on this forum.

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

timesnewspartan wrote:

It doesn't matter if they get the cards or not. The codes are to be used for ONE card each. Sure, a lot of us probably went to 4 different stores with it but nobody tried bringing other people into by TAKING THEIR CARDS for a code that's already been used.

Is this common knowledge that codes can be reused? Were other trades going on on deckbox involving these codes? Please let us know at . We are probably going to gather more information and contact Wizards regarding this.

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

sebi wrote:
timesnewspartan wrote:

It doesn't matter if they get the cards or not. The codes are to be used for ONE card each. Sure, a lot of us probably went to 4 different stores with it but nobody tried bringing other people into by TAKING THEIR CARDS for a code that's already been used.

Is this common knowledge that codes can be reused? Were other trades going on on deckbox involving these codes? Please let us know at . We are probably going to gather more information and contact Wizards regarding this.

Sent you an email Sebi

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

sebi wrote:
timesnewspartan wrote:

It doesn't matter if they get the cards or not. The codes are to be used for ONE card each. Sure, a lot of us probably went to 4 different stores with it but nobody tried bringing other people into by TAKING THEIR CARDS for a code that's already been used.

Is this common knowledge that codes can be reused? Were other trades going on on deckbox involving these codes? Please let us know at . We are probably going to gather more information and contact Wizards regarding this.

Yes, it is.

There are a few people on this site who had 5+ copies of the Scavenging Ooze promo in their tradelist only a couple days after the offer went live. They probably bought one copy of the game and shopped the code around to multiple stores. There is nothing that you, as Deckbox, can do to prevent them from doing that, but putting a stop to trading the codes is a good move on your end.

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

sebi wrote:
timesnewspartan wrote:

It doesn't matter if they get the cards or not. The codes are to be used for ONE card each. Sure, a lot of us probably went to 4 different stores with it but nobody tried bringing other people into by TAKING THEIR CARDS for a code that's already been used.

Is this common knowledge that codes can be reused? Were other trades going on on deckbox involving these codes? Please let us know at . We are probably going to gather more information and contact Wizards regarding this.

It was supposed to be fixed this year after last years fiasco. When the codes were first launched this year people on gamefaqs were trading android codes for steam codes, and ps3 codes for xbox360 codes. I guess in the end the merchants just didn't have to insert the codes online to see if they were redeemed or not, which allows people like odan and cowabunga to take advantage of the situation.

It is really scary that even though he knew he was scamming that there is no remorse there and he thought he was in his right to do so. People like this should be permanently banned from the site as the next time an opportunity arises to take advantages of people, you better believe these guy's are going to take advantage of the situation.

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

We don't even get the promos in quebec because of some lottery law. I personally had to get a friend from tennesse to redeem my 2 codes for me for buying the 360 and ios versions.

I had to pay 7 bucks in shipping to get my 1 copy of an ooze and 1 bonescythe, so yeah i'm going to get mad when people like cowabunga make a good 600$ in profit recycle the same codes to empty out the stores stock and line their pockets.

Look at odamjames's traderecord, the guy was literally opening up a trade with every single person he saw post on this forum asking them if they wanted apart of this, then a chain effect happens.

It hurts us all guy's, so think twice about getting cards in these ways and not reporting it when you are approached.

Last edited by morph66 (2013-10-03 17:01:31)

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

Tone it down a little bit, Walter Whiteknight.

Obviously, it's wrong to trade codes but I don't think banning everybody the first time they do something wrong is really called for. That's why suspension is a thing. I think suspension is the right way to go here. If he does it again, ban him for good and label him a scammer. Seems like the most reasonable way of going about this.

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

When Wizards actually invalidates codes by requiring LGS's to enter them to some site, then it'll stop.

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

jassi007 wrote:

When Wizards actually invalidates codes by requiring LGS's to enter them to some site, then it'll stop.

Agreed. This shouldn't even be a problem in the first place.

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

timesnewspartan wrote:

Tone it down a little bit, Walter Whiteknight.

Obviously, it's wrong to trade codes but I don't think banning everybody the first time they do something wrong is really called for. That's why suspension is a thing. I think suspension is the right way to go here. If he does it again, ban him for good and label him a scammer. Seems like the most reasonable way of going about this.

Dude, could you just be a little bit more respectful here. I don't think the name calling is really necessary in this instance. My point was that he did something that is very obvious wrong, was called out on it, and still maintained his right to "scam"

This isn't some small thing here, this is blatant theft with complete lack of remorse once being caught. He knew full well it was a scam, he just didn't see the harm in it. That's dangerous.

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

Was wondering why this topic blew up last night.

Thanks for all the guys who were heads up about this. I didn't even know the code abuse existed

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

morph66 wrote:
timesnewspartan wrote:

Tone it down a little bit, Walter Whiteknight.

Obviously, it's wrong to trade codes but I don't think banning everybody the first time they do something wrong is really called for. That's why suspension is a thing. I think suspension is the right way to go here. If he does it again, ban him for good and label him a scammer. Seems like the most reasonable way of going about this.

Dude, could you just be a little bit more respectful here. I don't think the name calling is really necessary in this instance. My point was that he did something that is very obvious wrong, was called out on it, and still maintained his right to "scam"

This isn't some small thing here, this is blatant theft with complete lack of remorse once being caught. He knew full well it was a scam, he just didn't see the harm in it. That's dangerous.

If I'm not mistaken, you were suspended at one point for abusive language. By your logic, you should be banned.

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

*Sigh* Can we get this locked again...

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Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

timesnewspartan wrote:

If I'm not mistaken, you were suspended at one point for abusive language. By your logic, you should be banned.

If there is a contentious topic morph will be there. Moth, flame, etc.

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

timesnewspartan wrote:
morph66 wrote:
timesnewspartan wrote:

Tone it down a little bit, Walter Whiteknight.

Obviously, it's wrong to trade codes but I don't think banning everybody the first time they do something wrong is really called for. That's why suspension is a thing. I think suspension is the right way to go here. If he does it again, ban him for good and label him a scammer. Seems like the most reasonable way of going about this.

Dude, could you just be a little bit more respectful here. I don't think the name calling is really necessary in this instance. My point was that he did something that is very obvious wrong, was called out on it, and still maintained his right to "scam"

This isn't some small thing here, this is blatant theft with complete lack of remorse once being caught. He knew full well it was a scam, he just didn't see the harm in it. That's dangerous.

If I'm not mistaken, you were suspended at one point for abusive language. By your logic, you should be banned.

To be fair, theft and verbal abuse are two very different things.

But I agree, this is getting out of hand.

Last edited by centurion911 (2013-10-03 16:49:12)

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

UnstableFlux wrote:

*Sigh* Can we get this locked again...

How did it get unlocked...

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

I think Sebi forgot to lock after he unlocked to post in it? Or maybe he just left it unlocked on purpose sad

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Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

timesnewspartan wrote:
morph66 wrote:
timesnewspartan wrote:

Tone it down a little bit, Walter Whiteknight.

Obviously, it's wrong to trade codes but I don't think banning everybody the first time they do something wrong is really called for. That's why suspension is a thing. I think suspension is the right way to go here. If he does it again, ban him for good and label him a scammer. Seems like the most reasonable way of going about this.

Dude, could you just be a little bit more respectful here. I don't think the name calling is really necessary in this instance. My point was that he did something that is very obvious wrong, was called out on it, and still maintained his right to "scam"

This isn't some small thing here, this is blatant theft with complete lack of remorse once being caught. He knew full well it was a scam, he just didn't see the harm in it. That's dangerous.

If I'm not mistaken, you were suspended at one point for abusive language. By your logic, you should be banned.

actually to be fair i was suspended for being rude and probably condescending. I made amends and was unbanned long beofre it was due to be over. I am attempting at turning over a new leaf, I am not really sure why you are throwing it in my face. I don't see how this is the same as stealing hundreds of dollars from users here. Oh well, you have the right to your opinion. I just don't get the point of pointing out my previous flaws of being rude, when you are name calling here and being just as rude. It's a tad hypocritical from where i'm sitting. My intention here was obviously a good one and the looking out for feelow members. I hope you try to curb your opion and see it for what it was.

Anyways hugs and kisses for everyone. If I offended anyone here for reporting this then I apologize as well. I re-read everything I posted to stay PC and not be rude. Let's just let this die and get back to some trading smile

Last edited by morph66 (2013-10-03 16:56:53)

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

morph66 wrote:

Good ridance to trash and hopefully they aren't allowed to come back due to the lack of remorse.

I'm the only one name-calling, though.
You're not as high and mighty as you think you are.

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

This thing definitely got out of hand real fast.  But I actually enjoyed this.  What a fun read this morning lol.

Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

I've alerted the mods to come and lock this again hmm

Profile   |   Foil Traders Community
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Re: Scavenging Ooze promo code abuse (was: trade offer)

I wasn't sure if Sebi meant to leave it open or not since he seemed to be looking for feedback. But, either way, it has escalated into something else so I'll try to close this again.

Thanks for your cooperation.