Topic: Bug: Cannot add comment

Browser: Google Chrome Version 30.0.1599.101 m

When viewing a deck, both my friends and my own, the comment text box below will accept text, but the "Comment" button will not add the comment.   I have not tried another browser yet, but I wanted to report this for the Deckbox developers and other users.

Re: Bug: Cannot add comment

Just to confirm I am encountering this in both Chrome and Firefox.

For me this is for an event I created pre-Sunday's update, and posting a comment just doesn't work. You click into the comment box and it doesn't auto-clear the 'Write a comment...'. You can still write over it, but clicking the button doesn't result in anything happening.

Re: Bug: Cannot add comment

I'm having the same issue.

Re: Bug: Cannot add comment

Yup.  Chrome here.

Re: Bug: Cannot add comment

Fixed now, thanks for reporting