Topic: My Name

How can I change my name 1777821376 to like my username or my preferred Alias  like Silencer?
I couldn't find anything about this.

Re: My Name

you can now only change your login name in the first 2 weeks after signing up. This is to prevent people to switch logins after having BTRs, etc.

If it has been less than two weeks, you should be able to go to your Deckbox Profile, hit "edit profile" and change it there.  At least I think that's how it works.

If it has been longer than that, you may have to message an admin.

Last edited by gumgodMTG (2013-11-09 01:21:49)

Re: My Name

all right cool guess I have to get with a admin. I dislike having to be a number on the forums

Well Correction. I need to find out how to contact an admin. Or if a admin reads this.
I would like to change my name on this to either Silencer to match my logo. That way it makes it easier for me and the people I talk to as well.
I don't think it will cause any conflict with any of my trades because they all see my avatar.

If I am not able to do Silencer I do not mind my Name Brian Gold on it. But I pefer Silencer as a primary choice.

Last edited by 1777821376 (2013-11-09 06:30:42)

Re: My Name

It's done. (The old forum posts you made will still show your old login, but new ones will use Silencer).

Re: My Name

Awesome thanks