Topic: Trade lost in the mail

Just trying to get another opinion on how to fairly deal with cards that are lost in the mail.

I sent someone some cards ~20$ with tracking back before Christmas. They seemingly never arrived, the tracking still shows due for delivery on 12/23 and I am getting nowhere dealing with the post office.

I have received his cards after a long delay, but everything was in order and good condition.

I am giving up on the cards ever arriving as the post office has been unsuccessful at locating the package and are claiming that the letter likely just failed to scan. I am currently working with the user to try to remedy the situation but wanted to get some opinions on how other people have handled problems like this.

On one hand I feel like this guy is getting the short end of the stick and I should send him cards to make up for his loss, but on the other hand, if I do that I am on the short end, basically trading for the same cards twice.

What I am thinking would be fair is for both of us to take a part of the loss, I was thinking I would send him around 13-15$ worth of cards and call it even.

Any thoughts?

Last edited by uatu02 (2014-01-17 15:41:40)

Re: Trade lost in the mail

i would probably just send out something else hes happy w/ or send his back and take the loss, i mean obv. its the PO fault but just out of niceness id try to come to an agreement hes happy with, i actually have a trade out now
that i mixed up to batchs (someone got his and he got someone elses, they sent o each other other guy got his but the other one hasnt gotten his yet) so i told him instead of waiting just keep his card he was gonna trade and ill take the loss if they show up keep em if not w/e
but he already sent his card and i havent gotten it either lol but told him if i get it ill send back and if its returned to him from PO just keep it

idk what happened to the cards but this has been a month long process and still on-going lawl but every other trade ive had besides that one has been 100% fine some even w/o or even w/ tracking arrive 2 days early lol

Re: Trade lost in the mail

uatu02 wrote:

Just trying to get another opinion on how to fairly deal with cards that are lost in the mail.

I sent someone some cards ~20$ with tracking back before Christmas. They seemingly never arrived, the tracking still shows due for delivery on 12/23 and I am getting nowhere dealing with the post office.

I have received his cards after a long delay, but everything was in order and good condition.

I am giving up on the cards ever arriving as the post office has been unsuccessful at locating the package and are claiming that the letter likely just failed to scan. I am currently working with the user to try to remedy the situation but wanted to get some opinions on how other people have handled problems like this.

On one hand I feel like this guy is getting the short end of the stick and I should send him cards to make up for his loss, but on the other hand, if I do that I am on the short end, basically trading for the same cards twice.

What I am thinking would be fair is for both of us to take a part of the loss, I was thinking I would send him around 13-15$ worth of cards and call it even.

Any thoughts?

You are responsible for cards until they are delivered according to deck box rules. You have 2 options send him $20 of cards they want or ship there cards back.

Re: Trade lost in the mail

You can seek a mod for advice I think and ask what to do. See what they would suggest.

Last edited by ShadowStrike14 (2014-01-18 01:19:50)